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Python vs. JavaScript: Which is Best for Web Development

Written by Shalaka Gadgil - Content Writer | Aug 11, 2023 4:47:48 PM

In the vibrant web development realm, a thrilling duel unfolds: Python vs. JavaScript – which language holds the ultimate key to crafting sensational websites? Python is the elegant and versatile contender known for its clarity, and then there's JavaScript, the dynamic and fast-paced powerhouse responsible for web interactivity.  

As you stand at this coding crossroads, a question emerges: which path should you tread? Join us in this captivating blog as we unravel the epic showdown between Python and JavaScript. Whether you're a coding greenhorn or a seasoned developer, get ready to untangle the enchanting web of possibilities and make a choice that'll shape your digital footprint.

Python vs. JavaScript: A Snapshot 

Python is a versatile, readable language often used for backend development and data science, while JavaScript is a dynamic, client-side scripting language primarily employed for web development and interaction.

Python, a rising star in the programming galaxy, shines in applications spanning machine learning, web development, and software testing. Its universal appeal caters to both developers and novices.

JavaScript, a dynamic and lightweight scripting language, takes center stage in web pages. It orchestrates client-side scripts, crafting dynamic user interactions with its interpretive and object-oriented features.

Python vs. JavaScript: Popularity Insights

As of August 11, 2023, recent statistics from reveal that JavaScript emerges as a prominent player, powering 2.2% of websites with its dynamic capabilities, while Python contributes 1.5% of websites.

Comparing Latest Versions: Python 3.10 vs. JavaScript ECMAScript 2023 

This comparison highlights key features of Python 3.10 and JavaScript ECMAScript 2023, showcasing their strengths and advancements in error handling, asynchronous programming, iteration paradigms, context management, and more.

Here's a chart comparing some key features of JavaScript ECMAScript 2023 and Python 3.10:


Python 3.10

JavaScript ECMAScript 2023 

Associative Suggestion for Error Detection


Automatic Text Encoding 

(in the asynchronous paradigm)


Asynchronous Iteration Paradigms (aiter() and anext()) 



Enhanced Context Manager 



Performance Improvement 

Faster than 3.9


New Array Methods


(searching and changing)

Standardization for Hashbangs 




Shaping Frontend and Backend Frameworks in Web Development 

Let's explore how these languages play different roles in the frontend (what you see on a website) and the back end (the behind-the-scenes magic) of web development. Whether you're just starting or have some coding experience, understanding Python and JavaScript can open doors to creating unique online experiences.

Python for Backend: 

To start your journey in backend development, begin by mastering Python itself. Understand its strengths and limitations. Then, dive into two prominent Python frameworks: Flask and Django. Flask is like a compact version of Python, easy to learn and implement – an excellent starting point. On the other hand, though more complex, Django offers unmatched power and is trusted by major organizations, including NASA. Consider Python certifications to showcase your expertise. 

Python for Frontend: 

For frontend Python programming, PyScript stands out. It's a browser-based framework that combines Python and HTML, simplifying program construction. PyScript utilizes modern web technologies to provide a clean and extensible API, making it perfect for crafting user interfaces.  

JavaScript for Frontend: 

Frontend JavaScript frameworks enhance web app interactivity. Popular choices include AngularJS, which enriches HTML for web apps; ReactJS, known for reusable UI components; jQuery, a feature-rich library; Backbone, which structures applications; and Ember, ideal for ambitious web projects. 

JavaScript for Backend: 

On the backend, JavaScript shines too. Frameworks like Firebase offer real-time data storage and synchronization. Node.js enables the building of fast, scalable network applications. PhantomJS provides scriptable headless browsing. Express offers flexibility for web applications, while Meteor empowers end-to-end JavaScript web development. 

In short: 

Python and JavaScript cater to both frontend and backend development. Python's straightforward framework makes it a preferable choice. For beginners, Python's Flask offers an easy entry, while Django provides advanced capabilities. Frontend frameworks enhance user experiences on the JavaScript side, while backend frameworks offer diverse functionality. Ultimately, your choice between JavaScript vs. Python depends on your project's complexity and personal preferences.

A Speed and Performance Face-off

Regarding speed and performance, Python and JavaScript take center stage, each with unique strengths. Python shines in handling CPU-intensive tasks, making it a reliable choice for intricate calculations and processing. Conversely, JavaScript powers dynamic and real-time interactions on the web thanks to its multithreading capabilities via Node.js. This has sparked ongoing discussions about Node.js vs. Python for backend development in the tech industry.

Digging deeper, Python emerges as the ultimate solution for heavy data file processing, CPU-intensive projects, and large-scale applications. Developers can increase their performance by optimizing Python code using tools like Cython or NumPy. As we navigate the intricacies of web development, Python and JavaScript offer distinct performance advantages, catering to various project requirements. 

Difference in Code 

Here's a simple example illustrating the difference between Python and JavaScript in coding. Let's consider a basic program that calculates the sum of numbers in an array: 



def sum_numbers(numbers):

    total = 0

    for num in numbers:

        total += num

    return total


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

result = sum_numbers(numbers)

print("Sum:", result)



function sumNumbers(numbers) { 

    let total = 0; 

    for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { 

        total += numbers[i]; 


    return total; 



const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; 

const result = sumNumbers(numbers); 

console.log("Sum:", result); 


In this example, Python and JavaScript calculate the sum of numbers in an array. Key differences include: 

 Function Definition:

  • Python: Uses "def" keyword. 
  • JavaScript: Uses "function" keyword. 

 Looping through an Array:

  • Python: Employs "for-in" loop. 
  • JavaScript: Utilizes "for" loop with index. 

 Variable Declaration:

  • Python: Dynamically typed variables. 
  • JavaScript: Dynamically typed, declared with "let". 

These nuances showcase distinct syntax and styles. While achieving similar tasks, Python and JavaScript possess unique features and conventions. Check our infographic on JavaScript frameworks.

Companies Using Python and JavaScript 

Companies using Python:

  • Instagram
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Dropbox
  • Spotify
  • Uber Technologies Inc
  • Amazon
  • Pinterest
Companies using JavaScript
  • Microsoft 
  • PayPal
  • Google
  • eBay
  • Facebook  
  • Netflix
  • Walmart
  • LinkedIn

Python vs. JavaScript: Developers

Python and JavaScript stand firm in web development, each with unique strengths. As you tread this coding path, remember, whether it's Python's versatility or JavaScript's real-time charm, the choice shapes your project's soul.  

Looking for skilled developers? Clarion Technologies brings a decade of expertise in Python and JavaScript with a client-focused approach. Hire Developers like JavaScript developers or Python developers. Our diverse skills and industry experience make us your go-to partner. Python or JavaScript, we're here to craft your digital vision into reality.