The Leading Backend Frameworks to Watch in 2024

The Leading Backend Frameworks to Watch in 2024

When dealing with front-end development, we all begin with the browser and its benefits. However, backend development is a mystical field. The backend programs execute the functions of your sites with a database, which runs on your server. According to YouTube’s analysis and data visualization project, “Statistics & Data,” in 2022, Laravel topped the chart with 67,902 repository stars, followed by Django with 61.614 stars.

It is essential to have a backend framework to make an application with which end-users can communicate and perform some actions. The front-end experience depends on the backend, including business logic, user request processing, database interactions, and performance. Most companies are reaping the benefits of robust back-end frameworks to deliver a high-quality application with an excellent user experience.

Given the prominence of backend frameworks, there is no surprise that you need to choose the best backend framework from a broad range of options out there.

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8 Best Backend Frameworks for Web Development

8 Best Backend Frameworks in 2023

1. Laravel

Laravel is one of the prominent PHP development frameworks, well known for its clean and elegant PHP code. It simplifies the production process on specific tasks like routing, authentication, queues, and containerization. Laravel’s backend comes with its migration system for database query manipulation. Laravel PHP framework suits better for developing both small and large applications with complex backend needs. Most PHP development service providers prefer Laravel.

It suffices businesses' open-source app development requirements. Its extensive community support ensures a quick resolution of any programming problems. The following are some of the features of Laravel that make it one of the best backend frameworks:

  • Supports MVC Architecture
  • Programming Task Management & Configuration
  • Blade Template
  • Easy Installation
  • Attractive Security features
  • Packaging System
  • Object-Oriented Libraries
  • Artisan Console
  • Pagination

Examples of sites using Laravel: Deltanet Travel, Laravel Tricks, FusionInvoice

Discover: Why Laravel is the proper PHP framework for your Project over Symfony

2. Ruby on Rails

Are you looking for a backend framework loaded with various components for developing iOS or Android applications? then Ruby on Rail is an ideal choice to consider.

Its inconceivably proficient backend framework for web and mobile application development. This framework is fast to develop, and it includes a large & active community. With the collection of pre-packaged codes written in Ruby, this backend framework makes the development process seamless, more accessible, and speedier. The Ruby on Rails way of application development unshackled developers from the mundane part of coding and relieving them to concentrate on the core business logic & features. It also enhances productivity and assists developers deliver apps much faster. The exciting features of Ruby on Rails are as follows:

  • Short & simple code
  • Efficiency
  • Scalability
  • Active Record
  • Convention over configuration
  • Automated Deployment
  • Simple Testing tool
  • Interpreted scripting language

Examples of sites using Ruby on Rails: Airbnb, Basecamp, Dribbble

3. Django

Django is open-source framework, a Python backend framework, boosts rapid web development and clean, pragmatic design. This free and open-source framework is ridiculously fast. The Django backend framework reassures security and helps you to defend yourself from several common security exploits. Most websites leverage Django’s backend ability to scale flexibly quickly. It responds to new problems & vulnerabilities and alters other backend frameworks to create patches.

Using this framework, you can build different applications, including content management and social networking sites. You can update applications developed with the Django framework with minimal addition, changes, and costs.

Django offers lots of good documentation and resources that help beginners learn and the experts for reference. With the following features, Django stands out among the other backend frameworks widely used today:

  • Views layers
  • Security
  • Template layers
  • Model layers
  • Python Compatibility
  • Localization, performance & optimization

Examples of sites using Django: Reddit Gifts, Bitbucket, Disqus

4. Flask

Flask, a lightweight Python micro framework, is significant for executing web applications over embedded devices. It offers extensive documentation and Unicode-based support to reduce the tasks for project architects and developers. The RESTful request dispatch feature of Flask provides interoperability across networks.

You can modify the Flask framework’s current state using code extension to add any desired features. The Flask is a more suited backend framework for minor application development. The prominent features of this framework are:

  • Secure Cookies
  • Sessions
  • Request Dispatching
  • Unicode support
  • Development server & debugger
  • Jinja2 templates
  • WSGI compliance
  • Great Documentation
  • Flexibility

Examples of Companies using Flask: Red Hat, Netflix, PythonAnywhere

5. Express.js

Express.js offers JavaScript a newfound backend functionality as it allows developers to develop an application with JavaScript on the backend for the first time. This lightweight framework provides developers with Express API and built-in web app features. Express, built on Node JS, acts as middleware in handling your routes and servers.

Express API enables users to configure routes for sending/receiving requests between the database and the front end. The express framework also supports a lot of template engines and packages like Mustache, Pug, EJS, and much more. Its excellent scalability enables you to build enterprise-size apps with top-notch performance. Some of the advantages of Express.js over other backend frameworks are as follows:

  • Fully customizable
  • Standard for NodeJS web middleware
  • Low Learning Curve
  • Fast app development
  • I/O request handling
  • Open-source community
  • Easy integration of third-party services & middleware

Examples of sites using Express.js: MySpace, LearnBoost, County

6. Phoenix

Phoenix is the best modern backend framework that makes developing APIs & applications simple. Built with Elixir, it executes on the Erlang VM. It offers excellent support while handling a massive number of simultaneous users. The Phoenix framework enables you to build web applications with qualities like low-latency, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems.

In addition to offering most Rails features, including directory structure, ERP templates & database migration, Phoenix simplifies them. The framework finds the perfect balance between explicitness and abstraction. The major feature that makes it among the best Backend frameworks is that it ensures top-notch productivity without compromising speed & maintainability. Here are the top features of the Phoenix framework:

  • Immutability & functional programming
  • Pattern matching
  • Fault-tolerance
  • Scalability
  • Concurrency
  • Clean Syntax
  • Maintainability
  • Productivity

Examples of sites using Phoenix Python: Fontstore, Inverse, Lonely Planet

7. CakePHP

CakePHP has been gaining popularity as the best PHP backend framework. It allows you to create web applications faster and makes your tasks simple by reducing the need to develop the application from scratch. This open-source MVC framework offers an extensible architecture for the entire life cycle of web apps and allows developers to make robust and secure web applications.

Cake PHP is based on prominent software design patterns and engineering concepts like MVC, Active Record, Convention over Configuration, Front controller, and Association Data Mapping. Utilizing its high-end functionality and active developer community, it brings great value to your projects. CakePHP strives to ensure that your web apps are well-tested and constantly enhanced. Key features of the CakePHP backend framework include:

  • Flexible Licensing
  • Code Generation
  • Built-in Validation
  • Request Dispatcher with Custom URLs and Routes
  • Application Scaffolding
  • Data Sanitization
  • Localization
  • Flexible Caching
  • Flexible ACL

Examples of CMS using CakePHP: Capuchn, Simpleflan, Croogo

8. Pyramid

Pyramid is a lightweight backend framework written in Python, empowering you to develop and run web applications quickly. It includes proficiency in creating an entire framework layout in one file. Like other best backend frameworks, Pyramid also comes with security, mapping URLs to the code, and database integration. This open-source framework is known for its speed.

It maintains all-inclusive documentation and offers extensive support. The transaction management in the Pyramid is extendable – it allows you to synchronize databases of different types. Moreover, the Python framework includes out-of-box authorization and authentication schemes. Here is a list of Pyramid’s features that attract most developers:

  • URL generation
  • All-embracing templating and asset specifications
  • Extensible configuration
  • Single-file applications
  • View code simplification with Predicates
  • Renderers
  • Function decorators

Examples of sites using Pyramid Python: Talk Python, AdRoll, The Daily Climate

Refer to our Case Study – Our developers helped a client to build web and mobile enterprise apps with Zend PHP.


Among the plethora of backend frameworks, these are the best backend frameworks to consider for your projects. Before starting your new project, evaluate which one fits best for your requirement. Determine what matters most to you. Like rapid development, security, scalability, support, or versatility.

Hire PHP developers at Clarion Technologies have experience working with multiple frameworks. Our PHP developers are accessible and will help you build a secure, responsive, robust, and high-performance PHP web portal, CMS, or applications. Contact us at or get help from our certified PHP developers in your project with our 2-week risk-free trial.

Have a great time developing your next PHP web application!


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