Platform Blogs | Clarion Technologies

Top 10 RPA Use Case in HR from Hire To Retire

Written by Akash Sureka | Nov 29, 2018 12:20:00 PM

RPA, as applied to the human resources management, employs the RPA tools to streamline HR processes. In HR operations, robotic process automation doesn’t convey robots are taking decisions. However, the robotic process automation use cases of HR involve automating the simple, repetitive clerical as well as administrative actions. As such, RPA enables the human resource team, to manage the multitude of administrative tasks even from hire to retire process (H2R process). Automating the HR process with RPA, not only benefits the department, but also the enterprise as a whole.

Know more about the benefits of RPA

As we have covered the outline of RPA in HR in our previous blog, here we concentrate more on the possible RPA use case in HR from hire to retire process, with the reference to the presentation of KRYON.

RPA Use Case in HR from Hire to Retire Process

The following figure depicts the significant functions in the HR process from the starting to end that has the potential to be automated with RPA:

Let’s have a look at each function and the benefits they gained after implementation of RPA software.

1. Resume Screening & Candidate Shortlisting

The process of screening the resumes and shortlisting candidates to identify the right candidates can be a time-consuming process. On average, hiring a single person can take almost three working days of the HR time. When it comes to RPA platform, the bots can gather and screen resumes as well as online application forms, perform background verifications and compare the information against relevant job requisitions. Thereby, RPA application assures the shortlisting of the best candidates with only a few clicks.

RPA Returns:

  • Saves recruiters effort and time with the automation of screening and qualification verification tasks

  • Enhances the quality of the hiring process as it enables to capture the perfect match promptly before the competitors get ahead of them

  • Enables the HR to concentrate on proactive hiring strategy, discuss with the candidates in-person and many more

2. Offer Letter Administration

The offer letter administration comprises multiple dimensions; including creating, sending, and tracking the return of certain documents for new joiners together with ensuring offer letter contents comply with company regulations. Of course, it is hard to examine the data against multiple databases as well as regulations manually as it takes more time and highly prone to errors. RPA systems can create offer letters for the new joiners, which are both accurate and tailor-made as it cross-checks with the associated rules as well as regulations.

RPA Returns

  • Ensures accurate and fully compliant, offer letter for professionals

  • Enables the HR to concentrate on proactive hiring strategy, discuss with the candidates in-person and many more

3. New Hires Set-up and Onboarding

Once the new hire has accepted the offer, HR is accountable to ensure the prerequisites like new user accounts, mailing lists, an email address, necessary IT requirements, and so on. And all these things can vary depending on the profile of the new joiners. The implementation of RPA bots can automatically trigger the predefined onboarding process once the new user account is created. Bots can indeed send the predefined onboarding documents to the new hire.

RPA Returns

  • Makes the new joiner feel more comfortable as it ensures that he/she is technically equipped as well as enabled to start functioning from day 1 on

  • Ensures the streamlined, orchestrated, and effective end-to-end process with cent percent consistent and error-free data

4. Induction and Training

The induction and training are the processes in the enterprise when an employee joins the company or taking a new project or introduced with the new application. This is to make sure the resource is fully up-to-date with the technology when it comes to running business process. In the induction and training process, the RPA system checks the certification status of the employee against the requirement of a new process or application is being launched. In addition, notify the employees about the certification requirement, manage the certificate compliance, as well as block the employee calendars based on the training needs and schedules.

RPA Returns

  • Can reduce more than three training days per employee annually and also reduce associated help desk calls by around 18%

  • Results 30% of the reduction in the data entry errors

5. Travel and Expense Management

In the travel and expense management, it is common to have challenges as if missing receipts, late expense submissions, spends out of policy, poor visibility, delayed payments, error-prone spreadsheets and much more. RPA solutions can decline these challenges and automate processes like comparing individual expense against rules and regulations, claim processing and approval of standard travel expenses.

RPA Returns

  • Can reduce the delays in expense submissions, and approvals. As such, increasing the satisfaction of all members being involved

  • Considers the entire process compliance as the mandatory rules & regulations

  • Reduces manual efforts and increases accuracy

6. Monthly Payroll

Another significant robotic process automation use cases in HR. Most of the payroll process is rule-based and includes a large amount of data entry tasks. The traditional HR system struggles due to the payroll challenge rooted from the limited capability to leverage standardization because of compliance, payroll, and security requirements. It leads to inaccurate data, incorrect submissions, and delays in payment. Hence, it is considered as the perfect function that can be automated with RPA platform that enhances the accuracy and minimizes processing time.

RPA Returns

  • Ensures full compliance with rules and regulations

  • Improves service quality and consistency

7. Employee Data Management

The HR team is accountable to handle data related to current employees, applicants, past employees, new hires, payroll, and compliance & regulatory requirements. As most of the tasks require manual entry, updating as well as maintenance, data management consumes more time of the HR team. Data management use case of RPA solution can automate menial manual tasks and ensures accurate data handling throughout the employee work time from hire to retire.

RPA Returns

  • Automates tasks of reading, copying and entire synch of data, results in a significant time reduction

  • As data is complete, accurate and consistent, ensures better compliance

8. Reports & Analysis of Surveys and Review

Analysis and reporting activities consistently offer a headache to the HR as the data is required in the right format and at the right place to make a smart decision. It equally involves the screening of company surveys and reviews throughout the various sources. In addition, HR needs to spend hours to create and update the dashboards consistently. RPA bots take care of everything to assure the automated report generations, including data capture, cleaning and even pre-populate the complex periodic reporting needs. It also comprises the automatic screening of survey and company review.

RPA Returns

  • With the automatic collection, preparation and visualization of relevant data, it ensures significant timesaving

  • Ensures data consistency

9. Time and Attendance

Some employees are facing issues with the conventional absence management system when it comes to tracking absences and vacations. With manual effort, it is quite hard to have accurate employee time records and overtime regulation records on large-scale enterprises. However, the RPA system can easily validate the records by cross-checking the data and triggering alerts when there is inconsistent or information missions. It assures the efficient management of the workforce.

RPA Returns

  • Reduces the attendance issue and compromise or erroneous data entry

  • Ensures accuracy, thereby increases overall control as well as full standard compliance

  • With efficient planning as well as shift management, it reduces cost and expenditures

10. Exit Management

As like the on-boarding process, HR is also responsible to maintain the employees’ exit procedure in a consistent manner. In addition to inaccuracy, manual process in the off-boarding process raises flags in several cases. Implementation of RPA platform can guarantee these processes, including de-provisioning in an organized way. The actions that can be automated including consolidation of leaver’s input, generation of exit documents, notification to the right people, a collection of company assets, revocation of system access and final payment processes.

RPA Returns

  • Saves around 50 to 70 percent of the time with automation

  • Ensures a good last impression

Final Words:

The RPA technology is built to assist human rather than replacing them. From this blog, we have seen that RPA automation will take over the menial jobs, allowing the HR Department to concentrate on the more challenging as well as customer-centric activities. As such, it is worth mentioning that, together with all these benefits, RPA is extremely cost-effective technology.