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Why 30% of Mobile Apps Fail Within the First 18 Months Post-launch

Written by Surbhi Singh | Oct 21, 2021 5:21:53 AM

Why 30% of Mobile Apps Fail Within the First 18 Months Post-launch and How to Avoid it?

Things don't always go as planned when it comes to releasing a mobile app. You'll take a few bumps and bruises along the way.

In addition, technology initiatives as a whole tend to go 45 percent over budget and 56 percent under-deliver in terms of expected value. After their first week of availability, more than 60% of apps on the Google Play Store suffer an 80% drop in downloads.

More than 60% of apps on the Google Play Store see an 80% decline in downloads after their first week of launching. This makes it extremely difficult to succeed in this industry if you aren't taking the proper planning, development, launch app, and maintenance stages.

Gartner's study reveals that the mobile apps' commercial success for 2018 was 00.01 percent, just one successful App out of 10,000 apps. Now noting the overall mobile app development today, this figure is undoubtedly a cause of worry for the app development industry.

Let me be clear. I'm not telling you all of this information to discourage you, and I'm trying to do the complete opposite.

If you want to transform your launch app disaster into a big success, here's what you need to know.

Mistakes to Avoid Before the Launch App

App development cycle stages are the essential elements to consider before launching an app. If you're in the same boat and wondering why your App failed despite your best efforts, these are the most frequent blunders you should avoid before launching it.

1. Limited Beta Testing

Beta testing isn't only about discovering bugs in an app; it's also about ensuring that an app is adequately cared for to benefit the customers the company is targeting.

In basic terms, it is an impartial test of a software/app/product developed in its final phases. The key challenge for developers is to locate the proper set of end-users to test the almost completed App; that's why beta testing is always a good idea for a mobile launch app.

Beta testing occurs at the end of the Software Development Lifecycle when the software is nearly finished and ready for release. A lack of adequate Beta Testing may prevent you from detecting a hidden problem, resulting in a software crash, which Forbes claims is the cause of 71% of program uninstallation and the company's reputation ruins.

2. App store optimization

The most challenging problem app owners confront getting their App discovered among the more than 2 million apps available in App Store. App Store Optimization is based on Search Engine Optimization methods, focusing on the Application's keywords and title. The higher your App's ranking, the more likely it will be discovered on the App Store. Inadequate App Store Optimization might limit the App's reach to a small number of customers, reducing its chances of success.

3. Unknown neglect towards Pre-launch Marketing Research and Campaign

Pre-launch marketing is beneficial in raising brand recognition through clever promotional schemes, reaching out to clients, and gathering vital feedback to provide them with an accurate and valuable application/product. As a result, skipping the pre-launch marketing process might cost you a lot of money.

Mistakes to Avoid After Launch App

Owners who believe that after the App is published, all they need to worry about is the income generated by the App are stifling chances for success that may arise long after the App is deployed. Customers will be dissatisfied, and the company's reputation will suffer as a result of this strategy. The following are the most typical blunders to avoid following the App's debut.

1. Absence of Bug-Fixing facility post-launch

Though application performance is essential for users, a firm must remain by the client's side anytime they want App-related help to maintain an efficient connection with the customer.
There are chances that the Application does not perform as expected at the user end due to hardware or software compatibility issues and improper installation. In such circumstances, it is the developer's responsibility to give support. This increases the customer's confidence and trust in the firm or developer, increasing the likelihood of future commercial transactions.

2. Ignoring Customer review and interaction

Users are the finest critics of an app. Their evaluations may be an excellent source of new ideas and changes that can integrate into the App once the developer has checked its viability. User reviews can assist developers in identifying the Application's flaws.
A developer must also handle the user's problems, join in conversations, and respond to the user's questions. This makes people feel attended to and cared for, which leads to client loyalty. 

3. Below-Average Customer Support

If you provide below-average customer service in the event of a query or don't listen to your customers' ideas, you'll lose many people. Remember that your app developer's position is critical, and you must consider this in all of the elements discussed in this article to ensure success.

4. No App Update Releases

An outdated app is disliked by users, resulting in a high number of App uninstalls. Consumer demand, as well as market trends, are constantly shifting. A developer must track down new requirements and provide timely App updates to keep up with the change.

5. Compromised Security

One of the most important considerations for both the developer and the user is security. Users appreciate apps that ensure their data security, gaining their trust and resulting in client retention. Because a user would never download an application that appears suspicious, the developer must ensure that the users are aware of the security policies and parameters that are being evaluated.

Recommended app launch checklist

As a result, we've gone over some of the most common ideological blunders that app developers make on their road to success. However, what course-correction strategy should be included while creating a mobile app launch checklist? There are different recommendations to follow for Android and iOS. To assist your transition from pre-market to post-launch, have the following stages in your app launch strategy.

Mobile Launch App checklist

Keep the following pointers in mind while publishing apps on the Android Play Store:

  • Carry out quality analysis for cross-compatibility across devices
  • Stay within the technological distance of recent API releases
  • Strategize around Play Store Listings
  • Promote your App with pre-registration
  • Upload and test the Android App Bundle on Open/closed test tracks
  • Analyze pre-launch test reports
  • Define your App's pricing and geographies of distribution
  • Pick applicable distribution options
  • Establish in-app products and subscriptions
  • Set your App's content rating for relevant age groups
  • Run the leftover checks and publish the App
  • Stabilize the App with further uptime quality checks

Our Ace Professionals can assist you with this and make the process of app creation and marketing a lot easier for you. Invest in an Application Developer and prepare to be successful.

Note: If you are looking for a top mobile app development firm, check out all about it here.

Final Thoughts

The App's pre-launch preparations are just as important as its post-launch care. Because a well-planned and prepared release of an application yields more than expected results, the owner must be cautious and diligent about the aspects essential to the project's success. Develop an error-free app to raise awareness and leverage momentum to increase downloads. If you are looking for expert mobile developers, then Clarion- a mobile app development company is your one-stop solution.