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Java Mobile Application Development: What You Need to Know

Did you know that in 2023 many of the apps we love have used Java? According to Statista, Java has emerged as a preferred choice, for developing mobile apps. Around 33% of developers selected it as their preferred coding language. In fact, Java continues to feature among the topmost coding languages of software development.

The reason behind Java's popularity lies in its trustworthiness and effective functionality. Developers, who are the minds behind these apps often favor Java because they recognize its ability to help them craft diverse software applications with ease.

Today we are witnessing a highly dynamic tech drive ecosystem coupled with an ever-evolving consumer demand. Consequently, businesses and developers are on a constant lookout for tools and programming languages that can offer effective solutions for their apps.

Among a plethora of options, Java stands out as an incredibly versatile and robust choice. Let's explore the compelling reasons why Java continues to be a ‘Go-to,’ language despite being a two-decades-old.

Benefits that Businesses Can Leverage with Java

Why is Java so popular? Java has many benefits and reasons to stick to it. Let’s find out what are these.

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#1. Creating Android Applications:

Java’s popularity, in the realm of mobile app development stems from its role in creating Android applications. Android, which happens to be the most used mobile operating system globally predominantly relies on Java.

Java’s libraries and APIs along, with the tools and frameworks offered by Android build cutting-edge innovative Android apps.

#2. Cloud-Based App Development:

The main reason for increasing preference to cloud apps is that such applications can be easily scaled and accessed from any location. Java’s very nature makes it an apt choice for building cloud applications. Its ability to function across environments ensures a trouble-free transition, to the cloud.

#3. Java Microservices for Modular Development:

Ensuring the scalability of an application is a hurdle in its development. This is where Java Microservices can be of help. The concept of Microservices architecture enables developers to divide applications into services that operate independently. 

This module-based approach ensures that each component is developed, deployed, and scaled individually. Java being an object-oriented language supports the use of Microservices architecture. As a result, it becomes far easier to maintain and scale applications, cost-effectively.

#4. Robustness and Security:

Java's insistence and reliance on security and its fundamental design approach principles make it one of the most flexible and convenient programming languages, for mobile application development. 

Security measures like bytecode verification and runtime security checks greatly reinforce the app's resilience against potential threats, substantially enhancing its ability to withstand attacks. This level of robustness is particularly crucial when handling the continuous flow of data within apps.

#5. Vast Developer Community and Resources:

Java is a programming language that is being used globally and has garnered recognition worldwide. It is known for its vast and robust community of developers who play a very important role in nurturing its diverse ecosystem. 

The presence of such a deep-rooted support system guarantees that developers can easily and conveniently find solutions to problems with easy collaboration with other developers. It also helps the developers to stay updated on the current trends and globally accepted practices.

Java Features You Should Know

With each successive release, the Java programming language has been extending new features and functionalities. Some notable features include:

#1. Platform-Independent Nature:

The "Write Run Anywhere” principle, in Java ensures that code can be run on any device enabled with Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This feature is most useful for mobile application development since it allows the applications to function on different devices with their unique hardware configuration and capabilities.

#2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Feature:

The OOP feature of Java refers to Java's ability for developers to write code using its integral classes and objects. This aspect of Java enhances its reputation as a language suited for creating software that adheres to OOP principles. 

#3. Secure and Robust:

Javas’s architecture has been developed with a focus, on security. The runtime environment it provides creates a space for executing code minimizing the potential for attacks. Alongside features such as bytecode verification, exception handling, and garbage collection, Java offers a resilient platform, for developing applications.

#4. Comprehensive Standard Libraries:

Java's extensive collection of built-in libraries is a resource, for developers. These libraries cover a range of functions, including handling data performing operations managing network protocols, and creating graphical interfaces. They greatly streamline the development process by saving time and effort.

#5. Multithreading and Concurrency:

Java excels, in its capability to handle tasks simultaneously using threads. This is an advantage, for applications that demand real-time operations, simulations, or tasks that can be executed concurrently thereby improving the responsiveness and overall performance of these applications.

#6. Performance-Driven:

The Just in Time (JIT) compiler is responsible, for enhancing Javas’s performance. It takes the bytecode. Converts it into machine instructions, before execution resulting in faster execution times.

#7. Dynamic Nature:

Java's capability to load classes dynamically provides flexibility at runtime. It is designed to be extensible. With Java Native Interface (JNI) it's easy for developers to use various other programming languages.

#8. Adaptive Evolution:

Java's roadmap is known for its updates. Examples of this include the introduction of lambdas, in Java 8 and the implementation of the module system, in Java 9 which demonstrate how the language can adapt to programming approaches.

What are the Must-have Java Developer Skills?

For those wishing to venture into app development with Java, certain skills are indispensable. Let’s find out which are these:

#1. Deep Understanding of Core Java:

It is widely understood that having a grasp of the concepts and functionalities of Core Java is crucial. A developer should understand Javas principles, such, as data structures, collections, and multithreading.

#2. Web Application Development:

Many aspects of the world rely heavily on web applications. Java developers must have a command of frameworks, like Spring, Hibernate, and Java Server Faces (JSF) that enable the development of efficient web applications.

#3. App Development with Java:

The world of iOS developers and Android developers often has areas of overlap especially when it comes to the use of Java. Although Java is mainly associated with Android development knowing tools, like J2ObjC can be beneficial as it allows for the conversion of Java code to other language like Objective C. This helps in making platform development more achievable.

#4. Java Microservices:

The introduction of microservices architecture has revolutionized the way applications are created and implemented. It involves breaking down applications, into self-contained modules that operate independently. The demand for Java microservices, with the use of the Spring Boot framework is currently quite high. A developer who possesses expertise in designing, developing, and deploying Java microservices can greatly enhance the effectiveness and scalability of a project.

#5. Databases and SQL:

In today's interconnected world of applications managing data is of importance. Java developers must possess the skills to proficiently work with databases employ SQL queries and seamlessly integrate databases with Java applications.

#6. Version Control with GIT:

GIT is widely acknowledged as the gold standard, for version control in the industry. Every Java developer must have a command of GIT, including proficiency, in utilizing it comprehending branching strategies and effectively collaborating with others.

#7. API Development and Integration:

The significance of API development cannot be emphasized enough. Java programmers must have the skills, to build APIs and smoothly incorporate third-party APIs into their applications. 

#8. Understanding of JVM:

Java prides itself on its ability to "Write Once Run " With JVM – a virtual machine for Java, its functionalities and optimization techniques can distinguish a Java developer from an exceptional one.


Hire Java developers from Clarion Technologies as our team of exceptional developers brings in a wealth of experience and knowledge. We have worked with 1500+ businesses to help them right from strategizing, and coding to improve quality project management. We help them turn their vision into reality.