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Explore Leading PHP Frameworks for Web Development

Written by Binny Vyas | Apr 14, 2023 11:03:18 AM

Why is PHP going strong?

PHP has been the most popular web development platform for over 20 years. Launched in 1995, PHP today powers over 77.5% of websites. Millions of sites and applications have been built with it over the last two decades, and it shows very little sign of slowing down. Though these days they do not consider it as the sexiest of languages, some key PHP benefits work in favor of the language. Key reasons make PHP one of the leading web development technologies.

  • It is an open-source programming language and thus makes it free to create dynamic websites and web applications.
  • It is also famous as we can embed it into HTML without calling external libraries.
  • PHP is easy to learn and use. In addition, the syntax and command language are comparatively more straightforward. Thus, it reduces the barrier for aspiring developers to start with PHP compared to other languages.
  • It supports major popular databases, including MariaDB, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, etc.
  • It is platform independent, i.e., which can be used across platforms like Mac, Windows, and Linux and supports significant web browsers and servers.
  • It comes bundled with access to a wide range of frameworks that help to reduce overall development costs.

Undeniably, one of the most substantial aspects of PHP is its robust ecosystem of frameworks and micro-php frameworks that takes web development to a whole new level. So naturally, this adds to its popularity amongst developers. So, let us dive deep into which PHP frameworks developers must pay attention to in 2024.

What are PHP Frameworks and Micro-PHP Frameworks?

The PHP framework is a library that comes with commonly used functions. Since developers don’t have to code these functions from scratch, it saves time.

Now, let’s come to microframeworks. What's the need for a microframework? Can't you use a full-stack framework?

Over the past few years, full-stack frameworks have added new features to build large, complex websites. As a result, it became too hard to make a simple website without all the overheads that come with it.

That's where micro-frameworks came into existence. These microframeworks are stripped-down versions of full-stack frameworks for specific use cases.

In simple terms, consider a full-stack PHP framework like an SUV and a micro-framework like a bicycle. SUVs can accommodate more people but will also use more fuel. At the same time, bikes will have the advantage of being lightweight and will serve the purpose at a low cost.

Now that you know the fundamental difference between PHP frameworks and micro-frameworks, let's check out the top 10 popular frameworks that can fuel your PHP projects.

List of Top PHP Frameworks to Use In 2024:

1. Laravel

Laravel is the one of the best PHP frameworks, Laravel brands as a framework for Web Artisans. Rightly so, this framework does the majority of work for developers, so they can create beautiful applications hassle-free. Serverless deployment is powered by AWS Lambda, which makes it easy for enterprises to scale at demand. Top brands like Bankrate, The New York Times, Disney, and Twitch use Laravel for their web apps.

Benefits of Laravel

  • Effortless session-based authentication
  • The process queue system helps run tasks like sending emails in backgrounds using Redis, Amazon SQS, and MySQL
  • Robust, painless browser testing experience
  • Known for its expressive APIs and elegant syntax

2. Yr̥ii

The name Yii stands for Yes, It Is! Yii is a full-stack, open-source PHP framework first released in 2008. Yii supports modular design; as a result, developers can use only the necessary components without bloating the app with unnecessary code. Some highlighting features include lazy loading, caching, and automated code generation. Elance, a popular freelance platform, uses Yii as its backend. Other companies that use Yii are Twilio and Zendesk.

Benefits of Yii

  1. Supports multiple databases, including PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL.
  2. In-built robust security features like input validation, output filtering, and cookie filtering to keep hackers at bay.
  3. The framework also comes with in-built testing support or unit and functional testing to help developers ensure high-quality code and catch bugs in early development.

3. Symphony

Symphony is designed to build high-performance web apps with scalable features and database support. It's also one of the oldest PHP frameworks, built-in 2005, and follows a philosophy called “Don’t Repeat Yourself.” This philosophy emphasizes not using duplication functionality to keep code clean. Companies like Spotify, Yahoo, and Dailymotion use Symphony as their backend.

Benefits of Symphony

  • Provides authentication support, such as OAuth and LDAP, ensuring effortless integration with existing authentication systems.
  • Symphony enjoys ample community support and rich documentation, including API guides to help developers learn and build.

Know More About: Laravel vs Symphony: Detail Comparison

4. Cake PHP

CakePHP is strict. This means that developers will have to follow the rules of the frame no matter what. This is done to achieve a more consistent, understandable code. Companies like Hyundai, BMW, and Caledonia use CakePHP Framework.

CakePHP benefits

  1. Its convention over configuration patterns helps save developers from unnecessary hassles, as they only have a few decisions.
  2. Built to handle heavy, complex applications and thus is suitable for enterprise applications.
  3. Its proven stability record suits projects requiring a scalable and stable framework.

5. Zend

Zend is an enterprise PHP solution, with over 40,000 enterprises using Zend, including Cisco, Credit Suisse, eBay, PRADA, BNP Paribas, etc. Zend provides 3+ years of fixes and security support after community support ends. It's sometimes called a component library, a collection of loosely coupled components that developers can use independently. One main thing that makes Zend different from other PHP frameworks is its affinity for object-oriented programming.

Zend Benefits

  1. The object-oriented model allows customization of the apps without touching the basic code.
  2. It is HTML-5 compliant and has many front-end features.
  3. Zend is a multilingual framework and thus helps apps reach users worldwide.

Case Study - Enhanced Client Management Application for Scalability and Usability with PHP Zend Framework

6. CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter brands itself as a PHP framework for simple, elegant apps. However, CodeIgniter has a fascinating history behind its invention. Rick Ellis was simply disappointed with all PHP frameworks out there and found the gaps, and later went on to develop CodeIgniter. This framework is an open-source rapid development framework for dynamic website development. Companies like Nissan, Buffer, and Casio use this framework.

CodeIgniter Benefits

  • CodeIgniter has a good in-built security feature against CSRF and XSS attacks to prevent hackers from getting access.
  • CodeIgniter takes pride in having a small footprint. The app size is 2MB! Research also found that CodeIgniter performed better in terms of memory usage when compared with other PHP frameworks.

7. Phalcon

Phalcon PHP is an MVC framework written in C and compiled as a PHP framework. Writing in C makes it stand out from other frameworks like CodeIgniter, Symphony, and Laravel are written in PHP and come with tons of logic and large file sizes. However, with notable features like logging, caching, security block, and dependency injection, ORM Phalcon has everything needed to build a high-load Enterprise app.

Another fantastic thing about Phalcon is that it can be used as an entire stack framework and a micro-framework. Even while using it as a micro-framework, many of the features of the whole stack are available. It also has a basic framework that is flexible with rules, giving more flexibility to developers who love to experiment.

8. Slim

Slim is a PHP micro-framework that helps develop lightweight APIs with just a few lines of code. In addition, its powerful HTTP routing system helps with SEO since it can handle numerous requests. It’s a lightweight, modern micro-framework that’s maintained well. It also has an in-built error handling and debugging system to help with testing. Other benefits include good documentation, a large community, and HTTP caching for improved performance.

9. Lumen

Lumen is a Laravel-based PHP micro-framework built for microservices. Since Lumen is a stripped-down version of Laravel, you can get good features of Laravel but in a lighter weight and faster way. Moreover, since it's loosely coupled, it can be easily enhanced.

10. Fat-Free

Fat-free follows its name: removing extra fat from code. It's only 60kK in size and a mature PHP micro-framework. It comes with high-performance URL routing, a cache engine, built-in code highlighting, and supports multilingual apps.

One of the significant perks of Fat-free is that it supports major database systems while keeping integrations simple. As a result, it’s lightweight and easy to learn. It helps minimalism in components and avoids complexity. However, it means it’s equal to another micro-framework. It strives to maintain a balance between code elegance and performance.


There you have it. PHP has been around for a long time, and it's not going anywhere soon. It's free, and it's easy to use. The community is vast and growing. PHP frameworks provide developers with a ready-made set of tools to build high-quality web applications quickly and efficiently. But to use it effectively, you need to hire dedicated PHP programmers. That’s where Clarion Technologies helps you.