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Mobile App Development Frameworks to Know in 2019 | ClarionTech

Written by Ranjeeta Borah | Aug 23, 2019 12:00:22 PM

Jessica is a millennial who wakes up every morning with her Apple watch vibration and quickly order breakfast from the Uber Eats before rushing to work in an Easy Taxi. This is just a gist of a few morning hours of Jessica’s app-dependent life. Everyone like Jessica is using multiple mobile applications to make life easier.

Have you ever wondered what are the things used in making all such mobile applications that make your life much easier? From waking up in the morning till reaching the office on time, everything happens over some finger taps on some beautiful mobile applications. These are known as location-based services apps that are driving the app generation today.

Behind the scene of such intriguing applications, there are thousands of mobile app development frameworks, that are striving to give you the best user experience at your fingertips. The mobile app development market is growing at a rate of CARG 23.80 during the forecast period (2022-2030).

Let’s understand some of the top mobile app development frameworks, which make app development simple:

Top Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2024

1. Swiftic

Swiftic is one of the best mobile app development frameworks available in the iOS platform. It is featured with an easily navigable interface. Using  Swiftic is a convenient option as you get 30 days money-back guarantee option for all its plans. Besides, it has another 6-months of success guarantee scheme. If you don’t get any result from it, 6-month service is free.

Some of the significant features are:

  • Interesting push notification
  • Become a loyal shopper with a loyalty card
  • Build your mobile store
  • In-app coupons
  • Use scratch cards to win prizes
  • Easy Communication
  • Menu & Ordering
  • Customer Engagement
  • App Promotion
  • Social & Media Feeds
  • App Publication Assistance
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Third-party integration

2. Native Scripts

Native Scripts is an open-source mobile app framework to create native mobile applications empowered with Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, CSS, and Vue.js. 

Native Script is a preferable framework to reduce the code and time of the app loads on the system.

Many leading companies love using Native Scripts for its strong web empowerment platform.

Some of the Native Scripts features are:

  • Native user interface without WebViews
  • Full direct access to Android & iOS APIs
  • Cross-platform application
  • Mission-critical business support
  • Robust backend support

3. React Native

React Native is the best JavaScript-based app development framework to build native applications for all devices and platforms. With React Native, you can develop rich applications for both iOS and Android. It also allows creating platform-specific versions of various components allowing easy use of a single codebase across various multiple platforms.  This community-driven JS library was introduced by Facebook in 2018.

Some of the React Native features are:

  • Low-code
  • Compatible third-party plugins
  • Declarative API for predictive UI
  • Supports iOS and Android

4. Xamarin

Xamarin is one of the top mobile app development frameworks and it is .NET based. This native platform is introduced by Microsoft. Being a cross-platform and open source app building platform, Xamarin offers a development ecosystem with backend, API, components, etc. It is a .NET developer platform supported by various tools, libraries, and programming languages. With Xamarin developers, you can build native applications with the support of an active community for Android, tvOS, watchOS, iOS, macOS, and Windows.  

Some of the Xamarin features are:

  • A strong community of 60,000 contributors
  • Versatile backend infrastructure
  • Diagnostic tools
  • Application loader
  • Android SDK manager
  • Storyboard files
  • Google emulator manager

5. Ionic

Ionic helps you to build interactive hybrid and Progressive Web Applications along with cross-platform applications. Ionic is open-source mobile application framework offers premium services for creating applications. Ionic covers building applications for the web, Android, and iOS.  Besides, while working in Ionic, you can constantly create applications and ship them to the deployable locations. Ionic Studio is the lightning version of Ionic and it is quite powerful. You can install it locally to have an easy visual development environment.

With its out of box features, ionic is always seen as ideal platform over the other mobile app development frameworks.  

Some of the Ionic features are:

  • Intuitive UI components
  • Faster development time
  • Powerful & stable development platform
  • Evergreen community of 5 Million developers
  • Complete control over app building

6. Sencha Ext JS

Earlier known as Sencha, it was merged with Ext JS and now the new face is Sencha Ext JS. You can use this JavaScript framework for building data-intensive applications for the web as well as mobiles. It is also a cross-platform mobile development framework. Ext JS itself has more than 115 pre-integrated and high-performing UI components. Some of the components are HTML5 calendar, pivot grid, grids, trees, D3 adapter, lists, menus, forms, toolbars, windows,panels, etc. And Sencha has around hundreds of user extensions. 

Some of the Sencha Ext JS features are:

  • Can manage millions of data
  • Powerful analytics
  • Flexible layout system
  • Visual data representation
  • State-of-the-art Data-Driven Documents package (D3)

7. Onsen UI

Onsen UI is recognized as the most powerful tool when it comes to crafting complex mobile applications. It builds brilliant HTML apps with JavaScript, HTML, CSS. It also supports the libraries like Angular JS1, Angular 2+, React, and Vue. One thing that is applaud worthy of this platform is its competency to the app's appearance depending on the platforms. For instance, if we wish to have a native look for iOS and Android, it utilizes the automatic styling on the UI components. Its rich set of UI components includes tabs, stack navigation, lists, forms, etc. 

Some of its significant features are,

  • Zero time set up
  • Simple to use and easy to learn
  • Time-effective and cost-effective development

8. Flutter

Flutter is a UI toolkit by Google help in building native applications for the web, mobile, and desktop. This UI toolkit is featured with fully customized widgets, which support to create native applications in a short period. Besides, the Flutter’s layered architecture ensures a faster rendering of components.  Some of the striking Flutter features are:

  • Built-in material design
  • Built-in Cupertino (iOS-flavor) widgets
  • Rich motion APIs
  • Supports both iOS & Android
  • Strong widget support
  • High-performance application

9. Corona

Note: Corona is now also referred as Solar2D

Corona is a cross-platform & open-source app development framework, which is suitable for building games and applications. It is also known as the 2D game engine. With Corona, you can make application for both mobile and desktop. This platform supports iPhone, iPad, tablets, Amazon Fire, Android phones, Mac Desktop, Windows Desktop, etc.  Besides, you can build compatible applications for Fire TV, Apple TV, and Android TV.

Some of the striking Corona features are:

  • Lua-based platform, a powerful & lightweight scripting language for games
  • Multiple plugins for all needs
  • Strong API support to integrate with any native library
  • Faster development process
  • Exceeding 500,000 Corona developers

10. JQuery Mobile

JQuery Mobile is a user interface system based on HTML5. This web is touch-optimized and used to build highly responsive applications for smartphones, tablets as well as desktops. JQuery mobile has ThemeRollar offering highly customizable themes. Besides, this top mobile app development framework enables you to create highly branded websites.

Some JQuery features are:

  • Built on JQuery Core
  • Lightweight size
  • Configured with HTML5
  • Automatic initialization
  • Powerful theming framework
  • Simple API

11. Mobile Angular UI

The Mobile Angular UI is the magical fusion of HTML5, Bootstrap and Angular JS. If you already know Twitter Bootstrap and Angular JS, you can learn Mobile Angular UI in no time. This mobile UI framework offers the basic mobile development components that are missing from Bootstrap 3. Some of these components are overlays, switches, sidebars, scrollable areas, etc. The fastclick.js and overthrow.js are the prime libraries of Mobile Angular UI.

Some of the Mobile Angular UI features are:

  • Build HTML5 hybrid desktop & mobile apps
  • No jQuery dependencies
  • Build fully responsive interfaces with a super-small CSS file

Key Take Away

After considering various factors like operating system, development time and much more, we have curated this list of top mobile app development frameworks.

From a single platform application to cross-platform application, mobile application development is evolving every day. With such evolution, the mobile app development trends have witnessed a major paradigm shift in terms of code, script, platforms, integration, development method, and deployment. While we are getting into a hybrid, native, and progressing web applications, technologies like IoT, AI, ML, Blockchain are adapted to give the smartest, secure, and better user experience. It will be interesting to see how hybrid our applications will become with such fast-growing technology adaption.