The Latest PHP Trends To Look Out For In 2024

The Latest PHP Trends To Look Out For In 2024

Facebook initiated its journey with PHP and is still on PHP! So has Wikipedia. Both are scaling just perfect.

PHP Framework was initially known as Personal Home Page and later got its professional name as Hypertext Preprocessor. It is the most popular language on the globe for web designing. Almost 78.9% of websites use PHP and some of the best PHP frameworks are Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, CakePHP, Yii, Zend Framework, Phalcon, FuelPHP, etc.

PHP is easy to learn and systematic to work in. In addition, this scripting language has comfortable compatibility with MySQL, MS SQL, and Oracle database. Considering it as one of the most popular web development frameworks, it is interesting to know where PHP development is heading in this ever-changing technology world which is springing up like mushrooms.

Latest PHP trends in 2024 will help web developers to stay ahead in the industry

The Best option for Small & Medium Businesses and Startups

The first and most interesting PHP trend is its increasing popularity among the SMBs’.

The PHP framework is the best option for SMBs’ and startups owing to its features; it can easily manage a large amount of data. The startups can develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with PHP easily and initiate their journey at a low cost.

With ready-to-use libraries, PHP is a less vulnerable language to the changes happening in the web development field. Also, the cost of hiring PHP Development Company is quite less and startups & SMBs’ can leverage on this fact.

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Essential for Website Security

Cyber attacks are rising each day by an alarming rate. These are the worst attacks that can lead to the loss of millions of dollars to the organizations across the globe. If we look at the statistics, the average cost of data breach around the world is 3.86 million USD. Well, as scary as it sounds, we suggest you to take whatever possible measures to secure your site from any cyber threat.

You can get full-proof protection of your website with PHP development tools. These tools will help you to integrate robust security solutions. One can easily harness the power of security features by choosing a PHP framework like Laravel. To make things easy, we can help you get the best PHP development services, you can get a glimpse of our work here.

Java & PHP

The combination of these two giant frameworks is one of the intriguing PHP trends for 2024 to note. Java offers optimal safety, being the most secure framework, while PHP delivers unbelievable speeds. Nowadays, companies use both technologies to reduce costs and enhance business operations. Fortified web security, responsive design, and the ability to rapidly upgrade apps are some of the many applications of Java and PHP in web development. There is an increasing demand for PHP developers who are experienced in Java. Java and PHP apps can co-exist using the same SQL database; JSP is a recent development that allows users to characterize custom tags and perform garbage collection.

User Interface Trends

Have you ever heard about the Receptive Web? Well, the receptive web is one of the most-discussed PHP trends so far. Not just a buzzword, it refers to responsive web designs that adopt any environment to offer an optimized web experience for the end users.  The core idea behind the receptive web is that space should not influence user behavior. Thus, it caters to different users from various devices including desktop, cell phone, and tablet users.

In short, receptive web reinforces the idea of using HTML & CSS for web development and it automatically hides, resizes, enlarges, and shrinks any website that looks decent on any device. Infographics, digital presentations, and visual effects are other growing PHP user interface trends that will help companies stay engaged with their customers. Parallax scrolling is another emerging trend that incorporates 3D effects in web designs.

Intense Cloud Integration

Cloud is the most breathtaking technology designed so far with a low infrastructure cost and high level of security as well as flexibility in terms of omnipresent accessibility. With the massive popularity of the cloud, 2022 is going to see more merging of PHP sites into the cloud. PHP framework directly beats Ruby with better scalability in connecting to the web. This proactive cloud approach is attracting more PHP built websites to their infrastructure.

Therefore, intense cloud integration is a prominent PHP trend to analyze today. Major cloud providers like Google Cloud Platform, AWS, and Azure offer support for PHP applications, making it easier for organizations to deploy, manage, and scale web projects. PHP integration with the latest cloud technologies is one of the top PHP web development trends, and businesses are changing the paradigm by leveraging it. Many industries are optimizing asset utilization, fleet tracking, and increasing visibility across siloed business functions by combining Internet of Things IoT integrations with popular PHP frameworks and cloud-based software.

Clubbing IoT with PHP

IoT or Internet of Things is a groundbreaking technology with three separate layers of virtual infrastructure. Being a dynamic and popular language, PHP framework is adopting this infrastructure at a fast pace. PHP 7 which is the latest version of the technology offers easy synchronization programming thread that can perform multiple tasks with a single script. The future of PHP web development in 2024 with IoT integration looks promising, and we can see many uses of PHP and IoT collaboration coming up soon. IoT devices will be used with PHP development to develop services for the real estate industry. It will foster innovation and improve the usability of goods ranging from lighting systems to smart homes and electronic appliances. Symfony and Laravel will be the top PHP frameworks to accommodate IoT implementation requirements for consumers.

Growing Outsourcing

The outsourcing business is growing day by day in the PHP development industry. It’s an interesting development trend to look at this year. Outsourcing is increasing with the day passing and it is one of the biggest reasons for such tremendous industry growth. It’s noticed that most of the European and American countries appoint PHP development companies in various regions of the globe for cost-effective PHP web development services. Executives say that the biggest reasons for outsourcing are - access to global and dynamic talent bases, scalable web solutions, and increasing enterprise agility.

Smart Chatbot Streamlining

Chatbots are the best things to happen to the web in recent times. Artificial intelligence was the beginning of this journey. However lately, NLP (Natural Language Processing) and the deep learning chatbot are rapidly changing the scenario in the field of ‘Conversation Agent’ by answering the queries of the website visitors like a human. Thus, PHP web development in 2024 is streamlining chatbot development and adoption at a more responsive and rapid pace. Deep learning chatbots are evolving communications and personalizing organizational interactions to provide more user-friendly experiences. 

Better Language Version

The year 2022 sees the best version of the language as PHP 7 with improved security features. In addition, it is interoperable and has faster code implementation characteristics.  Also, usage optimization is better than the other versions. It handles errors smarter with various hints and declarations.

VR & AR Empowered WordPress Sites

One of the interesting PHP trends to notice is the adoption of virtual reality and augmented reality by the WordPress sites. It is revamping the way we communicate and connect to the technology world. A large number of e-commerce WordPress sites are using both technologies to give visitors a user experience like never before. The Ozisti AR is the first ever WordPress-AR enabled theme available in the market now.

Headless CMS

Headless CMS are backend-only content management systems that use APIs to connect to other systems (like front-end applications). PHP now offers headless CMS capabilities and allows developers to use modern frontend frameworks like React and Vue to manage content in familiar PHP environments. Statamic is a Laravel-powered, flat-first CMS that can run headless as a full PHP stack, and Craft is a hybrid PHP CMS that features flexible content modeling. FlyCode is helping product teams ship products faster with no code and enabling them to work like software engineers. API-first development will experience increased adoption and enable organizations to create robust, flexible, and scalable APIs for use in PHP web development projects.

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

PHP developers should closely monitor blockchain and cryptocurrency spaces as these segments will feature various emerging opportunities. Blockchain is famous for its decentralization, transparency, and security benefits. Many organizations will embed PHP frameworks with Blockchain technologies in domains such as voting systems, supply chain management solutions, and other areas. PHP in AI combined with Blockchain will speed up application development and interoperability across different user interfaces, APIs, middleware, and other networks. Ethereum is a popular Blockchain platform used to create smart contracts by leveraging Solidity's framework. Other PHP frameworks will soon follow suit, and several PHP libraries are available to connect with platforms like Bitcoin, EOS, and Ethereum.


PHP is easier to learn and cheaper to deploy in compatible servers. In addition, it’s a server indifferent scripting language and runs on any kind of Linux and Windows server without any hassles. Being a simple and flexible scripting language, PHP framework has embraced all the avant-garde technological developments to date. If PHP development continues to grow at this speed, it is going to rule the web development world with its dominant presence. Trends will come and go! However, the latest PHP trends will always open new windows to the web developers and help them stay ahead with newbie technologies.

If you are willing to hire php developers than we can help you attain your goals. We are one of the leading and trusted PHP development companies that aim to offer unparallel services and well-versed web developers. All you have to do is contact us.


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