Have you ever wondered why some technology teams deliver projects smoothly while others experience delays? Well, the answer is simple, “React”. In the JavaScript community, React is a titan that allows developers to build outstanding applications. However, its potential can be fully utilized with this magic resource i.e., React design patterns.
To handhold forward-thinking business owners looking to bridge the gap between technology and executive vision we bring to you this comprehensive guide on Best React Design Patterns.
Go ahead and equip yourself with the know-how, significance, features, and benefits of React Design Pattern so that you can be well-positioned to make informed decisions, arm your team with this power resource, and positively see your efficiency, collaboration, and innovation soar.
So, let's plunge into “React Design Pattern: Complete Guide” and redefine your software development trajectory.
What is Design Pattern in React?
In the complex world of software architecture, React design patterns offer recurrent solutions that cope with recurrent complexities. These patterns provide a strategic blueprint for building robust, scalable and adaptable applications. It extends structured and proven approaches to organize and manage components, state, and data flow. Simply said, it offers proven solutions to the recurring challenges that React developers encounter.
The beauty of React design patterns are that they are flexible, deliver better results, and are core enablers of the React library. They empower the developers with increased code maintainability, reusability and overall efficiency.
In short, by harnessing these design patterns, as a business owner you can not only increase your team’s productivity but also ensure enduring market leadership.
Let's dive into the depth of React Design Patterns and learn more.
Advantages of Using Design Patterns in ReactJS
There are multiple advantages associated with utilizing design patterns in ReactJS. You might be curious whether ReactJS is ideal for front-end development or not.
Well, these patterns not only improve the React development process but also make the code more readable and manageable. Let's explore how design patterns can assist React developers in their projects.
1. Modularity and Reusability:
It's important to grasp the concept that design patterns offer templates and components. By incorporating these elements React encourages reusability. You must be wondering about the advantages this brings, right? Well, it saves time and energy by avoiding the need to start from scratch for every functionality or feature.
2. Optimized Performance:
Utilizing design patterns can be beneficial if you want to improve performance in ReactJS. One such pattern known as ‘memorization’ can be an option.
Memorization helps optimize performance by storing the results of calculations and avoiding renders. These design patterns play a role in enhancing application performance and providing a better user experience.
3. Enhanced Collaboration:
What is the notable characteristic of React? It is its adaptability, as a development environment. Unlike web application frameworks, React does not enforce strict rules or express any particular opinions. This feature allows React developers to explore development approaches and combine them in ways.
However, collaborative development among React developers can bring up challenges sometimes. To address this, designers have introduced design patterns that provide the structure for projects. These design patterns can be obtained from a ReactJS development company.
Best React Design Patterns in 2023
Along with varied advantages, React includes many design patterns that are widely recognized for their ability to address challenges and issues in React development. As a decision maker, it is advantageous to know which are the key React developer tools for creating robust applications.
So, here we have compiled a collection of the best React design patterns to enhance your understanding. Let’s begin our exploration.
#1. The HOC (Higher Order Component) Pattern
The higher-order component (HOC) is a used design pattern in React that allows for the sharing of logic between components without manually rewriting code. HOCs are considered functions because they have no side effects.
In JavaScript, an HOC is a function that takes a component as an argument and returns another component with data and functionality injected or added to it. The fundamental concept behind HOC is based on React's preference for composition over inheritance.
Many known React frameworks incorporate this React pattern, such, as the "connect" function from Redux If you're using React, in combination with Redux for your project and you pass your component through the function ‘connect’, the connected component will receive injected data from the redux store, which will then be accessible, as props.
You can use the function to provide any component, with this enhanced capability of accessing the Redux store. Here is the React HOC structure.
HOC Structure
import React, { Component } from “react”;
const higherOrderComponent = (DecoratedComponent) => {
class HOC extends Component {
render() {
return <DecoratedComponent />;
#2. Provider Pattern
It's important to grasp the significance of the React provider pattern as it holds power. React utilizes this pattern in its Context API to enable data sharing across nodes in a tree structure. However, there may be instances where it may not be as useful when working with React.
Nevertheless, this pattern proves invaluable when designing applications as it ably resolves issues. The provider pattern uses a provider component to store data and distribute it throughout the component tree for consumers or custom hooks to access.
Furthermore, frameworks, like MobX and React Redux also employ the provider pattern indicating that it is not exclusive to React.
Let's examine an example code that demonstrates how the provider pattern is implemented React Redux.
Provider Design Pattern Structure
import React from ®react’
import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’
import { Provider } from ‘react-redux’
import store from °./store’
import App from °./App."
const rootElement = document.getElementById( root")
ReactDOM. render
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
#3. Presentational and Container Component Patterns
Both presentation and container patterns hold significance as they allow us to differentiate between aspects such as stateful logic and other characteristics of a component.
The main idea behind these patterns is to segregate the concerns and structures of our code, making it easier to comprehend. Let's delve into the presentational and container components individually.
Presentational Components: These stateless functional components have concerns beyond connecting data to the presentation. Also, operate independently from other components of the application. In scenarios, where it's essential to track view-related state, they can be created using React class components. Here is an example of a presentational element.
Presentational Component
const usersList = ({users}) = {return (ul{users.map((user) = (1i key={user.id}{user.username}li))}ul);};
Container Components: These components are class components. They can maintain their state and life cycle. Additionally, they include details for presentation purposes and logic for retrieving data. Take a look at an example of a container component.
Container Component
const usersList = ({users}) = {return (ul{users.map((user) = (1i key={user.id}{user.username}li))}ul);};
4. Render Prop Pattern
By using the render prop pattern, you can pass components as props to other components. These passed components can also send props to the receiving components. It's important to note that render props simplify the reuse of logic across components.
Using render props in authentication is a way to benefit from its advantages. By using React’s Render prop design pattern you can create a component for user authentication and share its logic with other components. This approach allows all components in your React app to access the authentication functionality and state, without the need to rewrite it in different places.
Render prop method- Authentication Code Example
import React, { Component } from 'react';class AuthProvider extends Component {state = {isAuthenticated: false,user: null,}login = (username, password) => {// perform authentication logic here, e.g., with an API callconst isAuthenticated = true;const user = { username, email: 'sample@example.com' };this.setState({ is authenticated, user });}logout = () => {// perform logout logic here, e.g., with an API callthis.setState({ isAuthenticated: false, user: null });}render() {const { isAuthenticated, user } = this.state;const { children } = this.props;return children({isAuthenticated,user,login: this.login,logout: this.logout,});}}function App() {return (<div><AuthProvider>{({ is authenticated, user, login, logout }) => (<div>{isAuthenticated ? (<div><p> Hello, {user.username}!</p><button onClick={logout}>Logout</button></div>): (<div><p>Please log in to proceed</p><button onClick={() => login('sampleuser', 'samplepassword')}>Login</button></div>)}</div>)}</AuthProvider></div>);}export default App;
To summarize, React Design Patterns can help you stay ahead in the fast-paced tech world by enhancing your code quality, streamlining your development process and by enhancing your overall efficiency and productivity. The versatility, scalability and community support of React makes it an excellent option for building and delivering robust web application.
We hope the details shared and the design patterns highlighted in this guide will help you to adopt a structured approach to solve common problems and deliver a more maintainable and cost-effective solution in your pursuit to deliver the best to your customers and stakeholders.
In case you’re looking for experts who can assist you in implementing these patterns, lean on Clarion Technologies. With our pool of top-notch web developers and their proven expertise across industries and technologies, you can take your React Development to new heights.
So, “Have you Reacted yet?” If not, then don’t wait and go ahead. All the best!!