PHP Frameworks Comparison: Laravel vs Yii

PHP Frameworks Comparison: Laravel vs Yii

PHP offers the best platform to construct secure and complex applications. Being one of the early Web programming languages, PHP includes several frameworks, which are supportive in modern application development. These frameworks come in various sizes and shapes. If you are involved in developing web applications, it is essential to know all these frameworks to choose the best among the others. It is worth comparing these frameworks for competitive qualities like Laravel vs Symfony, Symfony vs Code ignitor, etc. In this list, here is the comparison of Laravel vs Yii, to find which one suits your web development.


Yii is a free open-source PHP framework widely used in web application development. Yii comes with Database aspect object, MVC, Ajax-based widgets, DB migration and several other attractive features of PHP. jQuery integration helps front-end developers to adopt this framework quickly.


Laravel is the most elegant framework for PHP with dominant features like easy emailing, composer support and resourceful controllers. The framework uses simple as well as the expressive syntax for developing applications. Laravel is intended for creating meticulous and complex code bases.

Comparing Laravel vs Yii

1. Project setup

When comparing project setup of Laravel vs Yii, Yii framework scores a bit more than Laravel though both include a simple installation process. All you need to do with Yii is download the software and run the application. You can get a smooth and successful installation without any complications. It also has an isolated back-end and front-end that you can use for developing the admin area and a user-facing site.

Laravel installation can be completed in two ways, either using Laravel Installer or using Composer, a PHP package manager. Laravel comes with a simple helper that speeds up the installation with a standalone command-line tool.

2. Form Validation

Form validation of Yii is more time consuming as compared to the Laravel framework since Laravel includes a separate validator class that enables developers to perform form validation anywhere at any time. In addition, for unification and convenience purposes, you can extend the Eloquent class by using custom methods. One downside is you need to customize the code when it comes to defining attributes with fillable property derived from multiple scenarios.

Yii framework has a unique platform for form validation, and it is linked with the class of a model or form. You can set up the rules for the validation to be performed when the data is received directly and verify & fill in ActiveRecord. Moreover, if you have another form altering the data in a model, you need either to develop a specific class for it or apply custom validation scripts. This mechanism works well until you don’t need to examine some values directly in the controller, which is something Laravel offers with its validator.

3. Extensions

Any drawback of a framework can be turned into an advantage with the help of the extensions it supports. When comparing Laravel vs Yii, both come with a multitude of awesome extensions. Laravel includes several extension points to customize the behavior of its core components or replace them completely. Similarly, the Yii community has created a huge number of extensions, which offer plenty of useful functionalities. These extensions are super easy and handy for both the novice and savvy developers.

4. Security

Security is the important factor to consider while exploring Laravel vs Yii. Both frameworks include mechanisms for password protection, authentication, shield from Cross-Site Scripting, SQL injections, Cross-site Request Forgery, etc. The notable security features in Yii include Role-based access control, feature-rich access control filter, and authorization extensions like OAuth, OpenID, or OAuth 2, etc.

Laravel includes security features like role-based access controls, ACL plugins, and access control filters. Laravel lacks off-the-shelf access control tools; it doesn’t mean Laravel is not up to the mark in terms of security features. You can solve this issue with the help of its countless extensions.

5. Migration

Both of these frameworks include excellent migration tools enabling developers to organize their working process in a smooth & convenient way. Laravel also allows them to add seeders, which enables smooth and simple initial data transfer. This feature offers great support for testing and filling static directories. On the other hand, with Yii, developers have to do this only through migrations.

6. Community & Resources

Both of these frameworks comprise millions of supporters all around the globe & their number is increasing every day. However, the number of developers using Laravel is bigger than that of Yii. Developers prefer framework, where the issues were addressed promptly and solutions are located quickly, which attracts more developers to Laravel. On the other hand, Yii is easier to start with and is accessible to everyone.

Both Laravel and Yii include several excellent features; it becomes the PHP developers’ choice to decide which one to choose. If you are looking for a framework to build a large-scale web app or an enterprise-grade app, Laravel is the ideal choice you can make. In case you want to build a simple web application or small-to-medium grade apps, then Yii can be the best choice.


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