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JavaScript Vs. TypeScript: Which Language to Choose for Your Next Project?

Written by Binny Vyas | Jul 6, 2023 7:50:41 AM

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages on the World Wide Web. It is a lightweight, cross-platform, and object-based scripting language used to build dynamic web applications. Programs run in Java are referred to as scripts and these scripts are written for HTML pages, designed to be executed automatically when they load up.

Typescript is a pure open-source object-oriented programming language that is based on the typed superset of JavaScript. It compiles plain JavaScript and enhances the developer experience by extending JavaScript’s existing features. Many developers prefer to use TypeScript for software development projects because it naturally suits front-end applications. TypeScript adds static typing to JavaScript and makes code refactoring easy.

In this guide, we will give you an overview of these two programming frameworks, compare them, and help you decide which one to choose for your next big project.

What is JavaScript?

Brendan Eich developed JavaScript and introduced it in September 1995 as Mocha. Being hailed as the best scripting tool in the market, the language soon gained popularity and was later renamed JavaScript. Netscape Communications Corporation proposed JavaScript to the European Computer Manufacturers' Association (ECMA) and it turned into the ECMA-262 standard in 1997. After Netscape took over, the Mozilla Foundation modified JavaScript to adapt to its Firefox browser. ES6 was the latest edition in 2018 and it provided full support for all browsers.

Benefits of JavaScript

  • Reduces server load, enhances interoperability, and offers platform independence.
  • JavaScript can function more quickly on tasks like data management and speed up program execution.
  • Offers procedural programming features and can create start loops, conditional checks, branches, and much more.
  • It is one of the easiest programming languages to understand for new developers and provides different interfaces for designing engaging websites.
  • Drag-and-drop elements or sliders in JavaScript provide a rich and robust user experience. JavaScript is highly versatile and can be integrated into websites in numerous ways. NodeJS integrates JavaScript with MySQL and MongoDB and it is suitable for both front-end and back-end development.

JavaScript Use Cases

  • JavaScript can be used to validate and support external applications, like PDF documents, flash applications, and widgets. Famous websites like Google, YouTube, Facebook, Yahoo, and LinkedIn use JavaScript to improve and personalize user experiences.
  • Popular JavaScript front-end frameworks like React, Angular, and React Native are used to build robust web applications. JavaScript features can be integrated with other web apps and it is very popular for creating interactive presentations. JavaScript libraries like BespokeJs and RevealJS can generate web-based slide decks by leveraging HTML. RevealJS helps developers make stylish transitions and themes and incorporates various design elements in CSS formats. 
  • JavaScript can be used to build robust network applications and can manage HTTP requests. JavaScript apps are scalable and capable of generating custom content. Developers can write, test, and debug code fast.
  • Another great use case of JavaScript is its ability to make the best video games. HTML5 combined with JavaScript and EaselJS library produces rich graphics and total access to additional plugins for amazing game development.
  • Developers can create apps for smartwatches by using JavaScript. One of its most powerful applications is the making of mobile apps for all devices. JavaScript apps are supported by platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows. Cross-platform mobile app development is a universal front-end use case of JavaScript.
  • The Node.JS ecosystem in JavaScript can be used to make creative technology projects. It can be integrated with IoT devices and many companies are writing programs to build drones, robots, and quadcopters with JavaScript.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript was introduced by Anders Hejlsberg on October 1, 2012, and after two years of internal development, Microsoft added changes and released the updated version of TypeScript 0.9. TypeScript 5.2.2 is the latest release and was last published 3 months ago. TypeScript was designed to make it easier for developers to build large and complex applications. It has come a long way since its inception and saw steady growth in adoption as the years went by.

Benefits of TypeScript

  • Compatible with all major libraries straight out of the box.
  • Optional static typing can catch errors early on and provide easy maintenance of large codebases.
  • Integrates seamlessly with React and Vue for front-end development.
  • C# and TypeScript were developed by the same person, so they share similarities. Migration from JavaScript to TypeScript is extremely convenient.
  • Can be used to build JavaScript applications for both server-side and client-side executives.
  • Supports Babel compiler for converting TypeScript code to JavaScript.
  • Node.js library modules are available for TypeScript headers; additional language features include – generics, namespaces, tuples, interfaces, type inference, type erasure, type annotations, and compile-time type-checking.

TypeScript Use Cases

  • TypeScript makes codebases self-documenting and improves overall code quality. It gives developers access to powerful features such as intelligent autocompletion and onboard members to new teams by offering clear interfaces.  
  • TypeScript offers enhanced type safety and improved code maintainability. Its other useful features are Literal Types, abstract classes, generics, function overloading, and type aliases. The TypeScript compiler is flexible and offers different configuration options for optimizing code for JavaScript development. 
  • TypeScript’s compiler can run as a background process and supports flawless IDE integration. It provides developer tooling support, and incremental compilation, and can identify bugs and navigate through large codebases.  
  • TypeScript 5 decorators are another useful feature and are popular for advanced web development. They can be used to simplify code structures, optimize application performance, and validate inputs. TypeScript can be used to build JavaScript web applications but on a better and much larger scale.

Differences between JavaScript and TypeScript

JavaScript and TypeScript are two of the most popular programming languages in the development market. While JavaScript is used to widely power web applications, TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds on and extends its existing features. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, but their use cases are different. JavaScript is a prototype-based framework that can design interactive web pages, while TypeScript focuses on building large-scale web apps. According to a 2021 Stack Overflow survey, 15.29% of developers around the world prefer to use TypeScript over JavaScript, even though JavaScript is considered the primary scripting language for building web pages and apps. Companies can hire Java developers to reduce development costs by up to 70% and seeing how TypeScript and JavaScript relate to each other, it isn't hard to adapt. 

Below are the key differences between JavaScript and TypeScript.



Fewer error messages in development 

Fewer bugs in production 

Less code has to be written 

More code has to be written 

Cannot be trans-compiled and limited to being written in a single version 

Can be trans-compiled 



Easy to learn fast 

High learning curve 

Code execution and results are unpredictable 

Can predict how a user’s code will run 


Which to Choose: JavaScript or Typescript?

Typescript is the future of JavaScript and makes it more scalable and deployable.  It can speed up development workflows through static typing and adds syntax to JavaScript. The compiler can use the syntax to identify potential code errors before they occur and generate vanilla JavaScript that web browsers can easily understand.

TypeScript code can be written on almost any code editor and it offers extensive IDE support. Popular IDEs that support TypeScript are WebStorm, Atom, CATS, and Eclipse. Probably the biggest factor why developers choose TypeScript over JavaScript is because of its huge community support. The framework is maintained by an exceptionally talented global development team and has been gaining traction in the last few years.

Most JavaScript apps include hundreds of files and a single change to individual files can make or break applications. Validating relationships between these files and every element of the project can be very time-consuming and affect the cost of delivery. TypeScript incorporates immediate feedback during development and automatically addresses issues. Working with a large codebase can be a messy affair but this is where TypeScript shines. Developers can be faster, efficient, and enhance project scalability. Additionally, TypeScript’s reference validation is much better than JavaScript’s. For programmers who want to streamline collaboration and work within teams, TypeScript is an excellent choice.


JavaScript is a great option if you are working on small-scale web projects and it doesn’t need large teams to manage it. Ultimately, whether you choose JavaScript or TypeScript will boil down to your project requirements. Contact us to hire developers and get started with our TypeScript development team today.


Q. Which is better – JavaScript or TypeScript?

No language is better and each has its use cases. Both JavaScript and TypeScript offer powerful features and robust programming functions.

Q. Can TypeScript be used for both front-end and back-end development?

Yes. TypeScript supports both front-end and back-end development projects.

Q. When to use TypeScript or JavaScript?

JavaScript is best suited for small web projects. For large-scale applications that have different working components and need good organization, TypeScript is better suited. 

Q. Can TypeScript Replace JavaScript?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript so the possibility of that happening is unlikely. TypeScript is a different and powerful way to write JavaScript code. TypeScript is always compiled into JavaScript, so it cannot replace JavaScript.