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Hire Remote Team of Developers: All the Decisive Information

Written by Kanchan Yewale | Apr 15, 2021 8:02:54 AM

Do you know the benefits of hiring a remote team of developers? 


Probably, Yes! 


Do you know how it helps you save a lot of time and effort?

There are high chances that you know it! And it is because everybody talks about it all the time!


So, tell us, is this information enough for you to go down the road of offshoring?


There are a lot of other questions that need to be answered and addressed. For instance,


  • How much will it cost to hire remote developers?
  • Will you always be able to hire a remote team of developers that is legitimate?
  • How does it work, and how can an organization peruse it?

And the list goes on!


Rather than talking about the elephant in the room, people usually tend to beat around the bush.  


But not anymore! We have taken it upon ourselves to offer solid answers to all your questions.  


The offshore industry is growing by 20-25% every year. And even though most of the projects enjoy the glory of success, a small percentage still faces failure. And the sole reason behind this is that people know the ultimate destination, not the road. 


Many questions keep arising, but unfortunately, not all get answered! 

So, grab a seat and jump on this quest for answers with us!

Why SMBs must leverage the power of offshoring and hire remote team of developers?

In a recent survey, 8 out of 10 SMBs plan to hire remote developers. Additionally, 26% of the business owners said that their intention to offshore is to work with experts and grow their businesses.  


If you still think hiring a remote team is just for convenience, then you may be wrong. In reality, it is the most business-critical service that your organization needs. 

There are a lot of thoughts that hold SMBs back from hiring a remote team of developers. Like: 


  • "It doesn't fit our budget; we can't afford it."
  • "We are too small for that."
  • "The ROI isn't proven yet."
  • "It means giving our processes to the people who don't understand our business."


If you are in the same boat, here's a reality check. Everything mentioned above is mere doubts, fears, and words coming from inexperience.


Our experience proves that remote teams offer too many benefits for SMBs not to consider it. Here are some perks:

  • Builds defined processes for your businesses

SMEs usually have yet to define processes that turn into an obstacle. But remote teams help businesses to nail down their operations.

  • More productivity

45% of the employees said it's easier to work when offered flexible working hours. So, statistically, resources are more focused when choosing their favourite time. And how does it relate here?


Well, the maximum of remote development companies makes it a priority to offer flexibility to both parties, resulting in more productivity.

  • Lower infrastructure costs

Building an in-house team feels appealing. But it also includes a well-designed workspace, convenient location, hardware cost, etc. So now you can imagine the cost!


Fortunately, SMBs can hire a remote team of developers and get everything they want without investing in the abovementioned things.

How much does it cost to hire remote developers?

The average cost to hire remote developers varies from country to country. It depends on various factors like the experience of a developer, developer skillsets, platform, cost of living in the country, etc.


So how does one know how much it will cost them if they hire a remote developer? And if they need to know the actual price, how will they decide if it is something they can afford and is worth it?


Although it's practically impossible to mention every country's average cost to hire remote developers, we still want you to have a clear idea. Hence, we will tell you which regions charge the highest to lowest.

1. United States of America

The average cost to hire remote software developers in the United States of America is the highest in 2021 compared to other regions in the world.

2. Europe

Europe is one of the hot spots for hiring remote developers. In fact, in 2019, there was an IT export of about $13 billion. Besides, the region received 20-25% revenue growth.


 People have benefitted from hiring remote developers from Eastern Europe. And this region secures the second spot in the list. However, the cost of hiring a developer is higher than in the United States.


3. Asia

Asia is one of the preferred regions by tech giants to hire remote teams. The reason is, of course, the low cost. According to 2021, the cost to hire a remote team of developers in Asia is less than in the United States and Europe. 


We know you are hoping to get information about India! Yes, yes, we are going to talk about it exclusively. In the next minute, you will know that India is not just a part of a continent with the lowest developer rate but also a leading software outsourcing country in Asia. Every year more than 100,000 IT specialists graduate from the country's universities. In fact, in 2019, India was announced as the second country in the world with the maximum number of graduates. There is no way India can fall short of resources.


And now the most awaited answer, the average hourly rate to hire remote developers in India is as low as $30.

It is crucial to notice that low cost doesn't necessarily mean low quality. According to a survey in 2019, applauding Indian software development companies were an app for delivering the most cost-effective and result-oriented solutions.


How about a fun fact? Did you know some of the largest and most renowned US companies offshore to India? And they are


  • Ford Motor Company
  • Cisco
  • American Express
  • General electronics
  • Microsoft

PS -We have collected this data from very reliable sources like PayPal, Upwork, Indeed, TopTal, etc.

4. Africa

According to recent data, the average hourly rate to hire remote developers in Africa is the lowest in the rest of the regions.

How do I hire remote developers?


Hiring a remote team does not mean you shift your mindset. However, you need to understand that you are eventually hiring for success. Laying a solid foundation and a little research (and, of course, this blog) will help you to avoid any pitfalls in your employment journey.


Here are 3 steps to hiring the remote employees


1. Define the need for your remote hiring

The first thing to do is to have your policies in place. Next, decide if your team will be fully remote or part-time. Next, determine the number of remote developers you will need and for how long. It should give you a clear picture and help you narrow down the options.


2. Figure out a suitable time zone for you

Time zone is crucial when hiring a remote team. Of course, it would help if you worked with someone closer to your time zone. But that's fine because you can always set up a process and utilize the tools that ease the asynchronous collaboration.

3. Always choose a reliable partner

Hiring a remote team will get 100 times more straightforward with a reliable partner. Then, all you have to do is search for an organization with similar expertise and experience.

Please read our blog on the easy way to set up offshore development from India, where we have developed a comprehensive guide for better understanding.


Are my hired remote developers legit?


With solutions and opportunities also come challenges and potential frauds. For example, people might scam you and rob you of your hard-earned money. Hence it is essential to check the legitimacy of your remote developers.  


Fortunately, we have the power of the Internet that offers multiple ways to check the legitimacy of your team. 


Background verification is crucial, and we cannot stress this enough. You can always cross-verify the organization's information by looking at its online presence. Check out their websites, social media pages, LinkedIn profiles, etc. 


Finding an organization for your offshoring needs is easy. The real question is, what if the organization has a black sheep within them? 

There is a high possibility of that happening. So, in this case, you can always analyze the hiring process of the firm you are partnering with. 


For instance, we hire developers through the top-grading process only at Clarion, helping us filter in the best talent. You can also ask the organization to sign an NDA and ensure the security of your code.  


Here are a few tips that will help you analyze the authenticity of the situation when you hire a remote team of developers:

  • Stay away from CHEAPSHORING. If an organization offers services at unbelievably low prices, consider this a red flag and avoid partnering with them.

  • If the organization fails to provide essential documentation and specification, then there are chances of them not being legit.

  • It is not a good sign if they are reluctant to provide code or code documents.

  • Another thing to consider is to track the accuracy of time and cost calculation. You may get scammed the most in this area.

How do you manage remote developers?

91% of the people claimed that they are more productive while working remotely than in an office space. " 


There has been a rise of remotely working people by 159% from 2005 to 2017. 


73% of people will be remotely working by the year 2028. 


85% of the companies accepted that their remote and flexible work locations enhanced their revenue 

These statistics already prove that people are not only managing remote teams but are also happy with them.


However, if you still want to get some tips, here are our two cents

  • Let the remote team know your vision and company culture

The only way to succeed is to let your remote team know your vision and company culture. Paint them a picture of what you expect from this project, giving them a definite direction and helping them make intelligent choices.

  • Have a transparent communication

The more you communicate, the better you will progress. Conversely, under-communication is a significant threat, and to avoid over-communicating.


Here is a pro tip: Ensure connecting with your remote team on Zoom, Skype, and Hangouts from time to time to help them stay in the loop and focused.

  • Avoid micromanaging

Having a remote team can be exhausting, but micromanagement can be a disappointment to both parties. The only way to avoid this is to trust your team and empower them by showing your belief. 


Read More On How to Effectively Manage Your Remote Team 


Pro Tip: Hire remote developer companies that follow practices to keep everything transparent. For example, at Clarion, we have a vEmployee modelthat ensures you are well-informed on every state and are much involved in the process.



It is obvious that if you hire remote developers, the process will be overwhelming. However, planning and researching in advance can become a cakewalk. The good news is; you can always opt for companies that offer remote developers because it is a more reliable option. In addition, a few companies likeourshave the top 5% of developers working with brilliance and perfection. 


We hope our blog answers most of your questions. But if we have left out anything and you have more questions. We will ensure to come back with some compelling answers. 


Have you made up your mind yet? If you still need help clearing any doubt, contact us for consultation.