Blog Posts: Latest Trends and Insights in Technologies | Clarion Technologies

Here is how the programmers at Clarion keeps themselves updated with the latest technologies

Written by Clarion Tech | Apr 11, 2016 6:30:00 PM

We have often said that, at Clarion, technology is the thread that binds us together. Over the years, one thing that has been very apparent in our working ecosystem - the one thing that is constant in technology is the change. New technologies keep emerging in no time today and in order to provide our clients with exceptional and exemplary technology solution, at our end, we need to stay on top of these changes. As a company that has technology at its core, it, therefore, becomes imperative that we understand the new technology and its implications to boost the culture of innovation that is an inherent part of our work culture.

In this blog, we talk about the steps that we take to ensure that our entire developer community remains updated with everything that is to know about new technologies.


Chatting on Salesforce Chatter:

We have an in-house tool that goes by the name of Salesforce Chatter. Chatter helps the Clarion developers interact and exchange ideas and share solutions across one platform. This tool makes knowledge sharing easier within our developer community and especially for teams that are geographically dispersed across our development centers. Chatter takes away the problem of whom to include in the email chain when it comes to sharing informative articles amongst team members. We also recognize that no social platform is good if it does not have interest groups or communities. There are many interest groups in Chatter that center around specific technologies. The group members ensure that any new development, change or updations in that specific technology gets noticed and discussed across this platform. This proactive method of knowledge sharing helps the developers learn about new technologies and helps them come up with new ideas and initiatives surrounding the same.


In-House Trainings:

We place a lot of focus on the training programs that are provided both by internal as well as external faculties to our developers. We understand that only if we invest in our developers to increase and improve their technical skills that we will get the output that is superior and world-class from them. To enable this, we conduct structured programs or seminars within our premises that are conducted. These training sessions introduce and take the developers through the delicate nuances of a new technology. We also keep an eye out for training programs that are conducted externally which can benefit our developers in familiarizing themselves with new technologies or upgrade their skills on the same. If and when there is a new technology out in the market, we ensure that through these intense and exhaustive training programs our developers have the complete working knowledge.


Exhaustive Library:

It goes without saying that “the more you read, the more you will know”. Just like the importance of a library cannot be discounted in an educational institution or in a society, we believe that its importance cannot be overlooked in the enterprise scenario as well. To that effect, we have a well-stocked and exhaustive library that covers a broad spectrum of technology related books and to which all our developers have easy access to. This library gets updated on a regular basis with a new furnishing of books covering myriad topics on technology. Quite obviously, if there is a new technology development, the latest and the most relevant book in relation to that can be found in our library.


Conferences, Events, Meetups and Workshops:

While training sessions are definitely important in increasing knowledge about new technologies, we also place a lot of importance on our developers attending conferences and workshops surrounding these technology developments. It is at such conferences, meetups, and other such events where real-world and practical experience meets academic knowledge and hence has a profound impact on the learning curve of the developers. Our developers are seen attending conferences such as DrupalCon, RoR conferences, etc. with a dedicated determination to assess, identify and learn all that is new in the technology space and then pass on the knowledge acquired to their respective team members.


Being a technology services company, having our hand on the pulse of the market is very important. However, we believe that even more important than that is to ensure that we enable our workforce with the complete knowledge regarding these new technologies and related developments. It is by doing so that we ensure that the solutions that we offer to our clients are the best and based on technologies that are the latest.