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Flutter Marks the Beginning of Gen-Next Application Development

Written by Kanchan Yewale | Sep 18, 2020 10:48:10 AM

Why is Flutter mobile Application development picking up so steam?

Is it true that Flutter is offering more than other platforms from a technology perspective? 

Are businesses choosing it because it promotes faster-time-to-market? 

Why has Flutter become a result-driven application development in the software ecosystem? 

And the list goes on!

These are some of the many common questions that arise in our minds every time we hear someone talking about “Flutter”. This is why we decided to come up with this blog and brush off your doubts about this amazing mobile application development platform once and for all! 

Yes, the application industry is going crazy about apps developed in Flutter. Well, the reasons behind its popularity are many but what steals the show is its capability to help the application to work in the desired direction. Being a cross-platform, it opens the door to millions of possibilities and allows you to maintain the various dimensions of application development.

If you think it is fascinating, wait till you read the reasons that are making Flutter the showstopper of the mobile app development industry. 

Now without further ado let’s dive deep and know what the buzz is all about!

What is Flutter and why is it surging?

Flutter is an open-source framework that is created by Google. It helps to build cross-platform mobile applications with a single codebase. In short, a user can use one programming language and one codebase to develop different apps for different operating systems like iOS and Android.

And why is it surging? The reason is very simple! It promotes beautiful design, seamless animation, and top-notch performance. In a nutshell, it offers just what the end-users want.

Flutter was released by Google in 2017. It uses a dark object-oriented programming language that witnessed the growth of 532% in 2018 and 2019. The word spread like fire and everybody started trusting Flutter more than ever. In fact, it served organizations like Alibaba, Google Ads, My Leaf, etc. with its amazing offerings.

Did you know?

  • The top five countries benefiting from Flutter are India, China, the United States, the EU, Brazil.

  • Around 50,000 Flutter apps are launched in the Play Store and around 10,000 uploaded in the last couple of months

  • Approximately 35% of the Flutter developers work for the startups, 26% for enterprise developers, 19% are freelancers, and round 7% work for design.

  • In the next 5 years, Flutter is expected to conquer 60% of the app development market

What reasons made Flutter the most desired mobile application development framework?  

Reduced code development time 

Generally, it takes about a minute to shift a midsized android application on the test device. If you are lucky it might be a smooth process and a perfect fit but most of the time you need to spend some more time adjusting the layout. Yes, yes, we know we can use Android studio to fix the layout. But let us tell you it comes with limited features and you might not get the exact thing you want.

In flutter, we have a feature called “hot reload”. You can use this feature to see instantly the applied changes. This saves all your time and effort, making Flutter the speediest mobile application development platform. 

Developers Favorite

Did you just say, how being a developer’s favorite will benefit my business? 

Like Duh! They are ones developing for your business and in our experience happy developer=better product.

So, what about Flutter makes a developer happy? 

Firstly, it gives the developer liberty to build apps in both operating systems i.e. Android and iOS with a single codebase. It also has a portable GPU (which is also efficient) that permits it to work on various interfaces.

We guess you can now easily hire a flutter app developer because they all love it. 

Better time-to-market speed

Who doesn’t want their products to reach the market with the speed of light? But a lot of times, to achieve this we have to compromise on quality. Fortunately, now we have Flutter. The fact is Flutter development framework works quicker and way better than any other platform.

The reason behind this is: the developer doesn’t need to write any specific code to achieve their goals. One can select a 2D based UI, implement it in Flutter, and enjoy.

Technology Perspective

To begin with, Flutter is comprised of amazing plug-ins. They help the entire system thrive with the packages used for Android application development services. It also offers smooth natural scrolling and rich motion API’s to make the user experience better. 

Objects are an integral part of Flutter and are utilized to assign them without any locks. This eliminates any kind of stutter or UI junkies concerning allocations.

Will using Flutter benefit your business?

Yes, Yes and a million times yes!

Flutter app development can put you ahead of your estimated development cycle time. With all the cool functionalities, tools, and widgets it avoids the potential occurrence of the risk and saves your company from direct or indirect monetary losses. 

Check the blog that describes Why One Should Consider Flutter For Developing Mobile Apps?

Besides, here are some crucial and cool points that show how Flutter benefits your business,

  • Smooth product development will take place as Google’s Fuchsia OS works perfectly fine with Flutter.
  • You will easily find the engineers who love Flutter (for obvious reasons). Hence, hire a flutter app developer easily
  • Flutter offers easy integration and uncompromised quality


Flutter is a reliable business solution that prevents obstacles, bring advanced technology trend to keep your application future-proof and makes the integration smooth as butter. Also, it minimizes the risk to your business. Hence, it will not be wrong at all to say that Flutter deserves to be your number one choice for mobile app development. And you can always find a trustworthy Flutter development company to fulfill your needs.