How Much Does It Cost to Hire PHP Developers for Web Development?

How Much Does It Cost to Hire PHP Developers for Web Development?

PHP developers can build high-quality websites for organizations and create dynamic applications while ensuring significant cost savings and zero compromises on performance.  PHP is one of the world's most popular server-side programming languages used by developers and over 78.8% of websites on the internet are built using PHP.

This shows that PHP developers are in high demand in the market and full-stack PHP developers are rare breeds who are highly sought after in the industry. However, before deciding to hire PHP developers, it is important to do your research and make sure that your project aligns with your business goals and emerging requirements.

Benefits of Hiring PHP Developers

PHP receives regular updates and remains a dominant language on the World Wide Web. It simplifies coding, makes it more efficient, and is a preferred choice due to scalability, security, and rapid MVC development. PHP’s development community provides active support and can help make informed decisions when drafting project specifications for businesses. Finding the right fit for web development projects is especially important and businesses need to align their business mission and vision with project requirements.

The following are the key benefits of hiring PHP developers for web development projects:

  • A website is used to represent a company’s online presence and can be very useful in attracting prospective clients. It sets apart a brand from its competitors and can be one of the organization’s greatest assets. PHP is an excellent choice for building multiplatform applications and allows developers to target multiple platforms using just one framework. A company can hire a PHP developer to design a visually appealing website for the brand and build custom-made PHP-based software solutions.
  • PHP web developers are well-versed in a wide variety of industry domains. Many business owners may lack insights about the industry and not know how to market themselves. Building a good PHP website is more about aesthetics or SEO optimization; it is a delicate work of art and performance. PHP web developers allow companies to create dynamic websites and lower the cost of production. They can get assistance with content creation and achieve higher returns on investments.
  • Another added benefit of hiring PHP developers is the quick response times. PHP developers can provide fast turnarounds for web projects without sacrificing quality or performance. These professionals can work under pressure and deal with tight deadlines. They know what it takes to lose or gain clients and are extremely competent in their field. You can count on them to adhere to the best coding standards too.
  • Remote PHP developers can provide added flexibility to companies and may work from anywhere in the world. These developers are exceptional and can design strategic solutions for organizations. Companies can keep track of overall progress, acquire access to resources, and get more done than hiring traditional developers for website development projects.

Benefits of Hiring PHP Developers

How to Find a Good PHP Developer

A professional PHP developer will be competent in web application coding, testing, and maintenance. Good PHP developers are capable of working on a wide variety of projects and exhibit high problem-solving skills. A professional PHP developer will be able to troubleshoot issues with PHP frameworks like Yii, CodeIgniter, Symfony, CakePHP, Joomla, and Laravel, and make appropriate recommendations for their effective mitigation.

Here is a checklist you can reference when you hire PHP developers:

  • Strong understanding of JavaScript programming language 
  • SVN/Git knowledge 
  • Experience with popular PHP frameworks like Symfony, Yii2, Phalcon, Laravel, etc 
  • Solid working experience with CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla 
  • Working knowledge of HTML, CSS, SQL, and MySQL databases  
  • Must be well-versed with the PHP coding framework 
  • Strong grasp of object-oriented programming languages 

Cost of Hiring a PHP Developer

The cost of hiring a PHP developer can vary based on the size and complexity of the project. The average hourly rate of PHP developers is influenced by various factors such as:
  • Portfolio
  • Communication skills
  • Total PHP coding experience (in number of years)
  • Experience with other programming technologies
  • Market economy and current location

PHP developer salary according to the number of years of experience can be as follows:

Years of Experience

Estimated Salary

1 to 2 years

INR 1.1 lacs to INR 2.5 lacs per annum

3 to 9 years

INR 3 lacs to INR 6 lacs per annum

10 to 19 years

INR 8.5 lacs per annum

Table source: Glassdoor

The geological location of PHP developers will influence their salaries significantly as well. PHP developers from different countries will charge different rates for their respective services. For example, a PHP developer who is based in a developed country will charge more than a similar professional from a less developed nation. The overall cost of PHP development services will vary based on the locations of these professionals.

Average hourly rates for PHP developers from different countries are:

  • Latin America – USD 50/hour
  • North America – USD 29 to USD 71/hour
  • India – USD 5 to 10/hour
  • Eastern Europe – USD 25 to USD 50/hour
  • Western Europe – USD 50 to USD 100/hour
  • Australia – USD 37/hour
  • Bangladesh – USD 18/hour
  • Canada – USD 26/hour

Source: flexiple

Hiring PHP developers from anywhere in the world can be affordable and fit everyone’s budget. It is important to not compromise on the quality of PHP development and one of the best ways to do that is by hiring PHP developers in India. 

Different PHP Development Hiring Models to Know About

PHP development companies have different hiring models. Many PHP developers in India charge hourly rates for their services and the pricing range depends on the developer’s experience and location. Some developers who have tight schedules may put clients on a waiting list due to commitments or charge higher rates for faster deliveries of projects.

PHP developers can charge fixed rates for certain projects that have well-defined scopes and timelines. Fixed price needs need to be discussed and negotiated between the buyer and seller. In some cases, projects may require ongoing maintenance, updates, and service support. Developers may charge a monthly retainer fee and complete a specific set of tasks per month.

Things to Keep In Mind When Hiring Offshore PHP Developers

Hiring offshore PHP developers can be a huge challenge for organizations and businesses need to be careful about the criteria they select. Below are some things to keep in mind:

1. Review Portfolios

There are over 8 million PHP developers globally and if you are hiring offshore PHP developers in India, the first criterion is reviewing their portfolio. Analyzing the developer's portfolio can help assess strengths and weaknesses and get discussions started in the right direction.

2. Check Online Reputation

Look for client testimonials, business reviews, and other signs of social proof. It is one of the easiest ways to research them, collect feedback, and determine if they are the right fit for your company or not. If they work with an offshore PHP development agency, you can get in touch with the firm to know more about them.

3. Assess Experience

An offshore PHP developer with more than 5 years of PHP development experience is the way to go. Do not hire PHP developers with less than 5 years of experience or who are fresh out of college. It is best to ask for references and have them recommended to you by senior or full-stack PHP developers who have a good track record in the industry.

4. Discuss Expectations

It is recommended to get an initial consultation when hiring offshore PHP developers in India. Online portals can connect recruiters with job seekers and find relevant candidates.  There are many networking platforms in India like LinkedIn, Upwork, StackOverflow, and Toptal where developers post their latest projects and connect with like-minded professionals. Recruiters can visit these platforms and scout for unique talent.


Hiring professional PHP developers in India requires having an in-depth understanding of business demands and expectations. When working with a PHP developer, it is essential to ensure they follow project specifications and align with its scope. It is important to understand the benefits of hiring PHP developers in the country to find appropriate matches for your business.  Having experience with different PHP frameworks and being able to provide PHP migration and upgradation services are also crucial. 

Clarion Technologies makes it easy to hire PHP developers in India and helps companies build offshore development teams. If you are serious about building a PHP website and want to take your projects to the next level, you can contact us. 


Vinit Sharma - Technical Architect
Vinit Sharma, a seasoned technologist with over 21 years of expertise in Open Source, cloud transformation, DevSecOps strategy, and software architecture, is a Technical Architect leading Open Source, DevOps, and Cloud Computing initiatives at Clarion. Holding certifications as an Architect and Business Analyst professional, he specializes in PHP services, including CMS Drupal and Laravel, contributing significantly to the dynamic landscape of content management and web development.

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