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Benefits of an Ideal Software Development Team Structure You Must Know

Written by Surbhi Singh | Aug 27, 2021 3:00:28 PM

According to recent research, 75% of company leaders confessed that their initiatives were nearly always doomed from the start. A major source of worry is that ineffective team structures exacerbate this. The issue now is, why is the software development team structure so important?

A well-thought-out and calibrated software development team structure is the key to success on every software project. How can we put together teams that will assure the project's success?

An effective structure with clearly defined roles, duties, and functions, allows people to work more closely together, communicate more effectively, and achieve goals more quickly. According to research, total project accomplishment necessitates "regular communication and tight teamwork." This is only possible if the software development team structure is in order and individual team members' responsibilities are well defined.

Typical Software Development Team Structure

In an ideal situation, everyone would have a small team of generalists and experts working for them, getting along pretty smoothly. But the fact is that every firm has time and money constraints. As a result, the vast majority of outsourced software development teams are generalists.

However, when it comes to putting together a team, it all boils down to the following key aspects:

  • Complexity of the project
  • Budget
  • Timeline
  • Resources Availability

You may select what sort of team size is best for you based on these key factors. According to Scrum methodology, the ideal team size is between 3 and 9 members, with 7 being the best match. If your software project necessitates a larger team, it doesn't mean you'll have trouble managing it or communicating with it. The trick is to work for your team correctly, following your project's needs.

Establish clear roles and goals

This one appears to be self-evident — your team's duties are well-defined. Isn't there a designer, a developer, and most likely a tester? No, but yes. The duties of a successful software development team are far more varied and intricate.

The following responsibilities make up the overall development team structure:

Image Source- Relevant

  • Business Analyst (BA)

    This person is responsible for formulating objectives, evaluating and documenting essential processes and systems, and ensuring that the business model and technology are in sync. BA is a one-stop solution for everyone. They decide the route for business growth by assessing what works and what doesn't.

  • A project manager is in charge of managing and directing the entire team. Their role is to guarantee that the team's work is optimized, that the product meets the criteria, and that the team's goals are identified.

  • UI/UX designers make sure the product is simple to use and enjoyable to use. User interviews, market research, and product design with end-users in mind are all things they do.

  • Developers are the people who write the code. They, often known as product engineers, are members of a team that use their technical and computer language skills to develop software.

  • The Quality Assurance (QA) or Tester ensures that the software is ready to use.

  • A Software architect is a highly competent software engineer responsible for thinking through all elements of a project, making high-level design decisions, and choosing technical standards (for instance, determines the technology stack to use).

How Agile Keeps Software Development Team Lean

Stand-ups, sprints, and other approaches are used in agile software development to build solutions through collaboration and iteration. Another important Agile idea is to make procedures leaner. It allows them to adapt and respond to unforeseen changes without damaging the whole process.

By switching to an Agile team structure for all of its software development needs, a firm could cut its monthly expenditures by 80% and simplify its toolchain.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to forming an agile software development team. There are two types of methodologies within this approach to software development: some choose Scrum, while others prefer Kanban.

What distinguishes the Agile software development team structure?

The Agile team structure appears to have a few more extra job roles on the surface. But, for a moment, consider the Agile Manifesto. But first, let's review the Agile Manifesto.

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

The way people collaborate is the main distinction between conventional and Agile team structures.

Agile methodology is not just a popular technique but also a part of Clarion's best practices. We make the most of its adaptable and evolving nature by providing businesses with what they vouch for. 

We leverage Scrum with our vEmployee model which is a unique delivery model that provides a complete development ecosystem at your service. This amalgamation of managed services and managed capacity model allows you to hire skilled developers, testing professionals for quality audit, in-house guidance, project manager all at the cost of the developer. No, we are not kidding!

Scrum is the most common Agile framework for breaking down massive projects into smaller pieces (sprints) and reviewing and adapting them along the way. Sprints can span from one week to one month. Our software development team's structure contains a vital part - a Scrum master. They ensure that the team adheres to the agile ideals and principles and the agreed-upon methodology.

Agile Team Structure

Image Source- Relevant

Why do all remote and agile go hand in hand?

Even a year after COVID 19 abates, 77 % of HR executives anticipate a substantial rise in the number of employees working remotely for at least 3 days per week, according to a poll conducted by The Conference Board. Companies are moving towards a new work culture – that encourages people to adopt remote working – freeing up office space costs, encouraging more women to come back to the workforce & could even stop rapid urbanization that we have taken as inevitable in our world. So how do we adapt to that new world?

We are delighted to bring to you some best practices & tools that you can quickly apply to get effective - and fast - in this new world!

As per recent research by global workplace analytics, the advantages of Agile software development team structure are:-

1. Improves employee satisfaction

  • Two-thirds of the population wants to work from home.
  • It would be preferred by 36% of respondents over a wage rise.
  • According to a study of 1,500 IT workers, 37% would take a 10% wage reduction if they could work from home.

2. Reduces attrition

  • Hiring and training a new employee costs thousands of dollars.
  • 14% of Americans have switched jobs to reduce their commute time.
  • Telework is said to have lowered attrition in 46% of firms that allow it.
  • Telework has a strong influence on employee retention, according to 95% of companies.

3. Increased productivity

  • Employees are 35-40% more productive, according to Best Buy, British Telecom, Dow Chemical, and many other companies.
  • Workplace distractions cost businesses $600 billion each year.
  • Over two-thirds of companies say their telecommuters are more productive.

4. Increases employee empowerment

  • People who work from home are driven to be more self-directed and autonomous.
  • Web-based meetings are more well-organized and likely to stay on track.

5. Increases collaboration

  • Employees can collaborate without consideration for logistics once telework solutions are in place. This dramatically expands the possibilities for collaboration.


It's not enough to have a concept for a software application. To implement your project quickly and successfully, you must recruit the proper individuals. We hope that our blog on software development team structures has helped you understand how software development is done.

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In the meantime, you can check out some of our case studies to learn what great things we’ve built for our clients.